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Air Resources Laboratory web site National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Atmospheric Dispersion link - photo of modeled simulation of a chlorine release
Air Quality link - photo of Regional Haze in the Great Smoky Mountains
Boundary Layer link - photo of a Surface Energy Budget Network site in Brookings, South Dakota
Climate Reference Network link - photo of measurement equipment at Wolf Point, MT

Scientists at the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) conduct research to gain new insights into atmospheric dispersion, atmospheric chemistry, climate change, and the complex behavior of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface, called the atmospheric boundary layer.

Our work provides needed atmospheric information and tools to decision-makers and to the science community to improve the Nation's ability to protect human health and the environment.

ARL is a research laboratory of NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. We are headquartered in College Park, Maryland and have divisions in Oak Ridge,Tennessee (ATDD); Idaho Falls, Idaho (FRD); and Las Vegas, Nevada (SORD).

Laboratory Highlight

NOAA Contributes to Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization Mission with Atmospheric Modeling

At the end of September, 2014, NOAA will implement an operational, on-demand, backtracking capability to provide potential radionuclide source locations to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

Read All About It...

Modified: September 8, 2014
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | Website owner: ARL