From Peer Review to the Wisdom of Crowds? Open Access & Peer Review | History Workshop

Open Access, for some at least, goes hand in hand with a move towards Open Evaluation.

From Peer Review to the Wisdom of Crowds? Open Access & Peer Review | History Workshop.

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One Response to From Peer Review to the Wisdom of Crowds? Open Access & Peer Review | History Workshop

  1. Brigitte says:

    Because of the advancement of filming technology taking picture has become very easy, but taking a good picture is still out of bound for many.

    He also lectures frequently on a national
    basis, including speeches before the American Law Institute – American Bar Association (ALI-ABA),
    the International Forum, the Association for Advanced Life
    Underwriting (AALU), the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT),
    and numerous life insurance companies, brokerage firms and
    trade associations. It is also an opportunity to discuss important character traits with
    them like honesty, conflict resolution, strategy, compromise and how to be a graceful
    loser – or a graceful winner, even.

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