Category Archives: Broader Impacts

Broader Impacts, Take Two

Some interesting quotes about changes to NSF’s Merit Review Criteria in this article Chemical and Engineering News (via the Penn research office). C&ENewsDec10.pdf (application/pdf Object). If you’re interested in the history behind these changes, see “Reassessing the Science-Society Relation” here. … Continue reading

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Is visual content separable from the implied message?

As an example of the interface of aesthetics, visual content in this case, and ethics, the implied message and its implications, I would rate this as good design (intellectual) merit, but poor ethical and social merit (impact)… … which, in … Continue reading

Posted in Broader Impacts, Public Philosophizing | Leave a comment

America’s secret fracking war –

There’s a war going on that you know nothing about between a coalition of great powers and a small insurgent movement.  It’s a secret war being waged in the shadows while you go about your everyday life. In the end, … Continue reading

Posted in Broader Impacts, Climate Change, Economics & STEM Research, Environmental policy, Gas Fracking, Globalization, Public Philosophizing, Science and technology ramifications, Sustainability, Risk Management, & Long-Term Security, TechnoScience & Technoscientism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Twitter, peer review and altmetrics: the future of research impact assessment | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Scroll down to the comments below the article for discussion. Twitter, peer review and altmetrics: the future of research impact assessment | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional.

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Libraries, Metrics, Open Access, Peer Review, Science and technology ramifications, STEM Policy, Transformative Research | Leave a comment

First Golden Goose Awards Honor Ideas That Hatched Unexpectedly – ScienceInsider

First Golden Goose Awards Honor Ideas That Hatched Unexpectedly – ScienceInsider. Funny counterpoint to the Golden Fleece Awards, which highlight purported wastes of taxpayer money. But there’s a serious message here that ought to be treated seriously: we can’t know … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Science and technology ramifications, STEM Policy, Transformative Research | Tagged , | Leave a comment

RCUK: Benefits of Engagement for Researchers

RCUKBenefitsofPE.pdf application/pdf Object. * Skills development * Career enhancement * Enhancing your research quality and its impact * New research perspectives * Higher personal and institutional profile * Influence and networking opportunities * Forming new collaborations and partnerships * Enjoyment … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Economics & STEM Research, Future of the University, institutionalizing interdisciplinarity, STEM Policy, Transformative Research | Tagged | Leave a comment

How generous is the UK science budget, really?

Whatever you think about spending on sport, in times of austerity or otherwise, there is no denying that the strategy paid off – at least, if your yardstick for success is Olympic medals. The message couldn’t be more clear: if … Continue reading

Posted in Basic News, Broader Impacts, Economics & STEM Research, Globalization, Metrics, Philosophy & Politics, Public Philosophizing, Science and technology ramifications, TechnoScience & Technoscientism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bernanke to Economists: More Philosophy, Please – Businessweek

Less economics and more philosophy… On Monday, Ben Bernanke wasn’t talking like a scientist. He was talking like a philosopher. “The ultimate purpose of economics, of course, is to understand and promote the enhancement of well-being,” he said. To a … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Basic News, Broader Impacts, Degrowth Economics, Economics & STEM Research, Occupy Wall Street, Philosophy & Politics, Public Philosophizing, Sustainability, Risk Management, & Long-Term Security | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Science funding: Duel to the death : Nature News & Comment

@ananyo with a very nice discussion of the ‘impact agenda’ and recent changes at EPSRC. Science funding: Duel to the death : Nature News & Comment.

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“Fracked Ideologies” published at Science Progress

The use of high-volume hydraulic fracturing for natural gas drilling has ignited a fiery political debate. Advocates tout natural gas as a clean-burning, cheap, and abundant fuel that can boost economic growth and energy security. Detractors question these benefits and … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Basic News, Broader Impacts, Degrowth Economics, Economics & STEM Research, Environmental policy, Gas Fracking, Philosophy & Politics, Public Philosophizing, Science and technology ramifications, Sustainability, Risk Management, & Long-Term Security, TechnoScience & Technoscientism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

altmetrics12 program –

Everyone is invited to check out the program for the upcoming altmetrics12 workshop: altmetrics12 program – It’s happening next week, but you can participate early — even if you are unable to make the workshop itself. Abstracts are posted … Continue reading

Posted in Broader Impacts, Metrics, Peer Review, Science and technology ramifications | Tagged , | Leave a comment


Scientists engaged in outreach face prejudice from colleagues who think that real science and outreach are incompatible. Speak Up, Scientists! – Percolator – The Chronicle of Higher Education. This doesn’t bode well for those of us trying to get scientists … Continue reading

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Making an impact: when science and politics collide | Adam Smith | Talking science to power | Science |

More on the UK’s so-called “impact agenda” here: Making an impact: when science and politics collide | Adam Smith | Talking science to power | Science | This is skewed in favor of those scientists protesting against the impact … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Peer Review, STEM Policy | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Attack on science, or a wakeup call? FY 2013 NSF Political Science Research Funding Eliminated by House

FY 2013 NSF Political Science Research Funding Eliminated by House. How should political scientists respond to such an apparent attack from Congress? Let me present two options: (a) the typical appeal to the fact that these grants all went through … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, NSF, Peer Review, STEM Policy, US Science Agencies | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Open Access Petition — Opening Access to Research or Courting Disaster? UPDATED

Here is the text of the petition: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research. We believe in the power of the Internet to foster innovation, research, and … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, institutionalizing interdisciplinarity, Libraries, Metrics, Open Access, Science and technology ramifications, STEM Policy, US Science Agencies | 8 Comments

Occupy Impact – the 1st Annual CASRAI International Conference | CASRAI

These guys are on the right track, if you ask me! We feel the ‘occupy’ meme fits the subject well. In our case occupy is not about protest or revolution. It is about getting inside a difficult issue and tackling … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Calls for papers, Conferences Upcoming, Economics & STEM Research, Metrics, Occupy Wall Street, STEM Policy, Transdisciplinarity | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Nature News Blog: World’s science funders announce Global Research Council : Nature News Blog

Richard Van Noorden of Nature has a good story out on the newly formed Global Research Council (GRC), a result of the Global Summit on Merit Review held in Washington, DC. The GRC’s first output is a consensus on six … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Peer Review | 1 Comment

Times Higher Education – Inside Higher Ed: Playing Politics With Poli Sci

Why are politicians targeting polictical science funding at NSF? “These studies might satisfy the curiosities of a few academics, but I seriously doubt society will benefit from them.” via Times Higher Education – Inside Higher Ed: Playing Politics With Poli … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, NSF | Leave a comment

Science funding review – Telegraph

  Nobel laureates demand a review of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s funding process. As Nobel laureates, we are all dedicated to scientific enquiry and know that unexpected observations and discoveries have had far-reaching benefits to industry and … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Peer Review, STEM Policy, Transformative Research | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Are institutions over-reacting to impact? | Impact of Social Sciences

University managers had overreacted and created “an incentive structure and environment in which an ordinary academic who works on a relatively obscure area of research feels that what they are doing isn’t valued”.If that’s happened anywhere, then obviously things have … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Metrics | Leave a comment

President of the British Sociological Association John Brewer — From Public Impact to Public Value

Well-written (and concise!) thoughts about impact and value from John Brewer. Well worth reading! 4. Viewpoint – Brewer 9-12 (proofed).pdf (application/pdf Object).

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Metrics | 1 Comment

A Response to: The REF doesn’t capture how academic impact on policymaking takes place | Impact of Social Sciences

Jane Tinkler presents the latest case against the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) here: The REF doesn’t capture what government wants from academics or how academic impact on policymaking takes place | Impact of Social Sciences. At the risk of … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Metrics, Peer Review | 13 Comments

What is Knowledge Mobilisation and Why Does it Matter to Universities? « Mobilize This!

Essential reading for all those concerned with accountability and impact! What is Knowledge Mobilisation and Why Does it Matter to Universities? « Mobilize This!.

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Transdisciplinarity, Transformative Research | Leave a comment

Strict definitions of Impact? | Impact of Social Sciences

I left a comment on this blog entry in which I dispute the interpretation offered in the blog of the REF as having an unduly narrow defintion of impact. Interpreted in the way the author interprets it, the REF would … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, Future of the University, Metrics, Peer Review | Leave a comment

Visit me on

So, here is my site on Peer Evaluation. It contains all sorts of knowledge I’ve produced, including published articles, working papers, blogs, workshop reports, and a survey I co-authored. It does not contain everything I’ve ever produced. For instance, some … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Broader Impacts, CSID Publications, Metrics, Open Access, Peer Review, Science and technology ramifications | Leave a comment