
Journalism in the Public Interest


Sisi Wei

Sisi Wei

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Before joining ProPublica, Sisi Wei was a Graphics Editor at the Washington Post, where she designed and developed interactive graphics. During college, she worked as the interactive design intern at the Associated Press and later the Wall Street Journal. She graduated from Northwestern University with majors in journalism, philosophy and legal studies. Sisi is also the co-founder of Code with me, a workshop focused on teaching journalists how to code.


U.S. Company Helps Russia Block Prominent Putin Critic

The U.S. blogging company LiveJournal is showing an error message to users inside Russia who try to read the blog of Alexei Navalny, a prominent politician and critic of the Russian government.

Timeline: The Tortured History of the Senate’s Torture Report

It has been more than five years since the Senate began investigating the CIA’s detainee program, a period marked by White House indecisiveness, Republican opposition, and what we now know was CIA snooping.

Can Schools in Your State Pin Kids Down? Probably.

Many states have little regulation or oversight of such practices. This map shows where your state stands.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Plants

Last week, news apps developers from ProPublica participated in a "Future of Food" hackathon sponsored by National Geographic.

A Deadly Surge in Tower Climber Accidents

Nineteen workers have died in communication tower accidents since 2013, a sharp rise from recent years. OSHA has announced new changes in how it polices the industry, including tracking what cell carrier or tower owner subcontractors had been working for when accidents occurred.

The Price of an Internship

Unpaid internships can help young workers advance their career goals. But they can also vary significantly in cost and quality. Explore college internship programs at different schools across the United States — or tell us about your experience interning for academic credit.

Bud’s Story, from the Records

Private Arthur ‘Bud’ Kelder died as a POW in the Philippines during World War II. Here are letters and others documents from his case from 1941 to 1950.

ER Wait Watcher

Which emergency room will see you the fastest? We've got a handy guide for impatient outpatients.

Why Develop in the Newsroom?

If you’re a software developer looking to make more of a social impact with your talents, there are plenty of exciting opportunities for you to break into the field of journalism! But what’s it like?

How the NSA’s Claim on Thwarted Terrorist Plots Has Spread

A review of official statements shows the NSA has been inconsistent about how many plots have actually been thwarted by spying programs and what the role they actually played. Despite a lack of evidence, Congress and the media have rushed to repeat the most extreme version of the NSA’s claims.

Creating Games for Journalism

Our job as journalists is to inform the public. By using emotion and empathy, games allow us to inform readers in a new way—and one in which they both remember and understand.

Four Games that Tackle Serious Issues

Four examples of how news organizations might use games to help people understand — and act on — serious issues.

Simulations Let Readers Experience Stories for Themselves

Real-as-life simulation games can help readers understand the investigations we write about and the obstacles our sources face every day.

What News Nerds Can Learn from Game Nerds, Day One

What journalism can learn from games aimed for positive social impact.

Nonprofit Explorer

Use our database to find almost 616,000 tax-exempt organizations and see details like their executive compensation, revenue and expenses, as well as download their tax filings going back as far as 2001.

HeartSaver: Experimenting with News Games to Tell a Story

HeartSaver, ProPublica's entry into the April 2013 GEN hack day, lets players steer New York City heart attack victims to the closest hospitals.

Play Our Experimental News Game: HeartSaver

HeartSaver is an experiment in news game design, built in two days for the April 2013 GEN Editors' Lab Hackathon. How many lives can you save?

Meet the New Blog (Same as the Old Blog)

Today we debut a ProPublica Nerd Blog redesign, which includes a new look for our main landing page as well as our article pages.
Sisi Wei

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