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Premiere: Go Behind the Scenes of Tom Hardy’s Crime Thriller The Drop

Tom Hardy, the star of the gritty new flick The Drop, plays someone very different than the menacing villain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises: A quiet bartender named Bob who rescues a puppy.

Of course, since The Drop (out tomorrow) also is a crime thriller, he also plays a guy whose job includes hiding illicit cash at his Brooklyn bar. “As I see it, it’s a Christmas tragedy,” director Michaël R. Roskam says in this behind-the-scenes video. “And I like to say ‘tragedy’ because for me tragedy is really something like a tale, like ‘once upon a time there was a man who found a dog in a trashcan…’ And I like that tone.”

That tone pervades Roskam’s film—an eerie tale of a bar robbery and its effects on Bob and Cousin Marv (the late James Gandolfini in his final film role)—which has been getting solid reviews after its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival. Find out how the director created the unique style for his film, based on a short story by Dennis Lehane (Mystic River, Shutter Island), in the video above.