Unlocking the true revenue potential of digital TV.
Sky Sports Taps Ooyala to Grow Views, Revenue
Learn how Sky Sports uses Ooyala’s rich video analytics to understand its viewers and how Ooyala Discovery’s personalised recommendations keep fans watching longer, resulting in more engagement and higher advertising revenues.
Unlock the Revenue Potential of Digital TV
Our transformative technologies apply big data analytics to help our customers deliver better, more personalized viewing experiences on any screen, build bigger audiences and make more money from IP-delivered video.
How much could you earn?
Tell us about your video business and our ROI Calculator will show how you can take your earnings to a whole new level.
Earn More From Video; Meet with Ooyala at IBC
Schedule a meeting with Ooyala at IBC to see how much more you could be earning from video.
Drive Up to 100% More Video Engagement
In this newly published report, leading analyst firm ABI Research outlines why video publishers should take advantage of big data, analytics and content recommendations to improve the bottom line.
We offer a full suite of video solutions for media companies, brands and large operators.
"The ease of use and the depth of the technology is what attracted us and kept us as customers at Ooyala."
BYU Broadcasting
"We've doubled the amount of video views in just one year."
Grupo Expansion
"Ooyala seems to be racing to the head of the pack when it comes to building the future platform for cross-channel digital TV."
Bruce Rogers, Forbes
"Ooyala has better analytics around those video decisions, both in terms of monetization and advertising, than Brightcove."
ABI Research analyst Sam Rosen