

Shane Epting

Shane Epting

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2014

He is the forty-fourth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship
which is given twice per year

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Gordon Akon-Yamga

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2013.

He is the forty-third recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship,
which is given twice per year.

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Gordom Akon-Yamga


Mahdi Ahmadi

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2013

He is the forty-second recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship
which is given twice per year

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Philip Day

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2012.

He was the forty-first recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship,
which is given twice per year.

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Glen Miller

Glen Miller

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2012.

He was the fortieth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship,

which is given twice per year.

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Sarah Conrad

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2011

She was the thirty-ninth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship
which is given twice per year

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Chuck Siegel

Charles Siegel

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2011.

He was the thirty-eighth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

It includes a $1000 stipend.

David Utsler

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2010

He was the thirty-seventh recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship
which is given twice per year

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Jonathan Parker

Jonathan Parker

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2010.

He was the thirty-sixth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

It includes a $1000 stipend.

Nathan Bell

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2009

He was the thirty-fifth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship

Alexandria Poole

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2009

She was the thirty-fourth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Bidisha Kumar

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2008

She was the thirty-third recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Mark Mysak

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2008

He was the thirty-second recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Charlee Tidrick

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2007

She is the thirty-first recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Erin Daly

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2007

She is the thirtieth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship

Shan Gao

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2006

She is the twenty-ninth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Amy Pokross

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2006

She is the twenty-eighth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Patrick Sewell

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2005

He was the twenty-seventh recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Jason Simus

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2005

He was the twenty-sixth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Monica Lindemann

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2004

She was the twenty-fifth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Jason Leard

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2004

He was the twenty-fourth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Bernadette Donahue

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2003

She was the twenty-third recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Kris Short

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2003

He was the twenty-second recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Mitsuyo Toyoda

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2002

She was the twenty-first recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Nathan Dinneen

was the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2002

He was the twentieth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Lindsay Landgraf

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2001

She was the nineteenth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Christine Benton

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2001

She was the eighteenth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Timothy Riley

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 2000

He was the seventeenth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

William Forbes

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Spring 2000

He was the sixteenth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Tami Cordell

is the R.E.A.L. Fellow for Fall 1999

She is the fifteenth recipient
of the R.E.A.L. Fellowship.

Robert L. Hood - Summer 1992
Wei Luo - Spring 1993
Melonie Neel - Fall 1993
Steven Windhager - Spring 1994
Paul A. Haught - Fall 1994

Samuel W. Jones - Spring 1995  
Blake Mills - Fall 1995
Patrice Harper - Spring 1996
Tyler Veak - Fall 1996
M. M. C. McRaven - Spring 1997
Chaone Mallory - Fall 1997
Christy McNew - Spring 1998
Rebecca Jacobson - Fall 1998
Vernon Martin - Spring 1999

The Richardson Environmental Action League, which began in spring 1973 in Richardson, Texas, is the oldest continuously operating volunteer recycling organization in the State of Texas. It is currently involved in consulting with regard to

Board of Directors

From Left to Right (Standing): Gene Hargrove, Sandy Penz,
Ed Curran, Mark Bown,
and Nancy Wilson
From Left to Right (Sitting): Sharon Reed and Nancy Sullivan

To contact R.E.A.L., send an e-mail to

E. J. Curran, President

Guidelines for Requesting Funds

PHIL - CEP - April 6,, 2014