
Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Welcome to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies!

The academic discipline of Women's Studies began in the 1970s, and it examines women’s lives locally and globally, focusing on how gender intersects with other forms of difference including race, disability, ethnicity, class, age, and sexual orientation.  At BGSU, our program is called Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.  We are part of the new School of Cultural and Critical Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences.  However, our faculty can be found in all Colleges of the University.  This faculty educates over a thousand students every year in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies classes.

We offer both an undergraduate major and minor, a new undergraduate minor in Sexuality Studies, and a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies. Please contact us or explore this site for more information about our people and programs.

Sandra Faulkner, Ph.D.
Director and Graduate Coordinator

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