Mnemonics 101: Using Mnemonic Devices to Improve Memory

There are many techniques one can count on in order to help them retain information and improve their ability to recall memories. In addition to periodic review of the data, visual aids, and constant overkill of the information, you can also use something called a mnemonic device to help you recall information stored in your working memory.

What exactly is a mnemonic device? This is a technique that people use in order to remember long lists or a lot of commonly-grouped information in an easy-to-remember way. For example, you may have heard of the word VIBGYOR or the phase ROY G BIV. This is a mnemonic device used to remember the colors of the rainbow. Each letter stands for a color–Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. You can also make a sentence out of the letters, a name, or anything else that helps shorten the information and makes it more memorable for you. This can be by using acronyms, phrases, rhymes, or any other type of learning aid that works for you.

Mnemonics are a great way to assist you in learning large amounts of information and help you retain and memorize it into your long-term memory. Instead of just using your short-term memory to learn the information and later forget it, mnemonics can assist you in utilizing your long-term memory for faster, easier retention of the data. This is a great way to remember life-long information.

In addition to using visual aids, acrostics, and other memorization techniques, mnemonics can be an excellent way to help you improve your memory and keep your brain working at its best!


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