Sunday, August 17, 2014

They are still trying to fool us

At the City Council public hearing on July 15th, the industry representatives chose the following rhetorical strategy: “We recognize that fracking is a problem in Denton. But we don’t need to ban it. We promise to work with you to draft better regulations.” They are now saying the same thing in their national op-eds about the Denton fracking ban.
City Council members reminded them that we have worked for years on local policy to no avail – there is still fracking less than 200 feet from homes. Then City Council asked the industry representatives what ideas they had for improving our bad situation. They were silent. They just promised to help us come up with…something.
Now it is over a month later, and I’ve just heard from several city leaders that no one from the industry has lifted a finger to follow through on their promise. I know…it came as a shock to me too. You mean they were only blowing smoke?! They don’t care about us?! But they said…wow.
Actually, they are not just passively neglecting their promise; they are actively undermining it. The city has a moratorium in effect on new drilling permits while they revise the gas well ordinance. But that puts a crimp in the plans of Vantage Energy to get frackin’ now. So, rather than work with us (as they promised to do), they are going to work around us: on August 25th, Vantage is going to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to get an exemption from the moratorium.
So, they say they recognize the problem; they respect us and want to help us to revise our regulations. But when the rubber hits the road (and actual money is at stake), they have no patience for our processes and no respect for our rules.
That’s the story of fracking in Denton. It’s an old story. I don’t know who they think they are fooling anymore.


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  3. So, Chris Faulkner with Breitling Energy also recently spoke in Europe about all of this. Based on listening to him on KRLD Radio and during the July 15th meeting in Denton, it's kind of surprising that he's turning out to be the industry "spokesperson." But to each his own. Has he called anyone, yet?

    FrackMaster Goes to Europe

  4. First of all thank you for your grat content. This one helps me much. I hope you will post more about oil and gas

    Thank you

  5. I have been saying for months that the big companies don't care & will not sue. The reason is technical, but basically Denton is not a wet gas area & everyone is chasing NGL's now! Another reason is Denton's location near the Muenster Arch, which is why there are very few successful wells in the Sanger & Pilot Point area.
    Other than the Rayzor well that was drilled several years ago (and started this mess), and the Vantage well on the edge of the City limits near Highway 156 (currently being drilled), what wells have been drilled that are not re-completed vertical wells? WE DON'T CARE. WE ABANDONED DENTON YEARS AGO FOR GREENER PASTURES

    1. Vantage has applied for a variance to ZBA to allow them to drill 5 new gas wells on W. University. Vantage let their permits expire in 2013 and needs this variance because the city is not issuing new permits for gas well due to the moratorium. The hearing is on 8/25 4:00 at city hall.
      Please Ben let Vantage, Enervest, and Eagleridge know they should abandon Denton and move on to "greener pastures". I think someone forgot to send them the memo.

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