
Our Developmental Integrative Biology (DIB) cluster at UNT comprises of a vibrant consortium of ten faculty and more than three dozen graduate students, post doctoral fellows and visiting investigators.   Focusing on Developmental Integrative Biology, we employ a highly collaborative approach to exploring:

  • developmental physiology from molecular to organismal levels

  • physiological genomics relating to developmental processes

  • interactions of genes and environment as they influence cellular, physiological, morphological, and behavioral development

Our investigators use a rich variety of animal models popular in developmental studies, including C. elegans, fruit flies, zebrafish, amphibians, birds, and mammals.   Through our use of diverse animal models, we collectively aim to identify major unifying principles of Developmental Integrative Biology. Members in our group are currently funded by NIH, NSF, and American Heart Association. 

UNT has designated our DIB cluster as an area of research excellence, and will be investing heavily in new DIB faculty, support staff, training opportunities, and infrastructure to move us to national prominence. In 2010 we will occupy state-of-the-art research facilities in the new Life Sciences Complex providing unmatched opportunities for contemporary studies in Developmental Integrative Biology.

We currently have a search open for a faculty position in Integrative Developmental Biology at the associate/full professor level.

We welcome inquiries regarding potential collaborations, training opportunities, and employment. 


Latest News

Name change - 4/17/2011
The cluster has changed it's name from Developmental Physiology and Genetics Reserach Group to Cluster for Developmental Integrative Biology.

Open Faculty Position in Integrative Developmental Biology - 2/6/2011
Our cluster is currently searching for new faculty focusing on Integrative Developmental Biology at the Associate to Full Professor.
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New Faculty Join the DIB - 1/17/2011
Our newest faculty member, Dr. Dane Crossley, joined the DPGR this semester. Dr. Crossley and his students research in the area of comparative caridovascular development.

DIB Postdoctoral Fellow Receives AHA Award - 8/05/10
Dr. Surendra Rajpurohit was selected to re-present his abstract entitled Effect of Acute Hypoxia on Cardiovascular Function in Zebrafish as a poster presentation at the American Heart Association(AHA) Scientific Sessions 2010, November 13-17, in Chicago.

UNT Biology awarded HHMI Research University Grant ($1.3 million)- 5/20/2010
Dr. Dzialowski is a co-PI on this newly awarded grant that will involve the development of a research laboratory course focused on developmental physiology.
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Global Change and Global Science: Comparative Physiology in a Changing World - 4/28/2010
Dr. Burggren will be participating in the Environmental Adaptations of Cardio-respiratory Systems symposium at the 2010 APS Intersociety Meeting in Westminster, CO.
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