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UAlbany humanities move criticized

Partially restoring courses called a face-saving move that only hurts academics
scott waldman Staff write, Times Union
Published 12:01 am, Monday, March 28, 2011
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Months of controversy and a national battering have convinced University at Albany officials that the school's language and humanities programs should be partially restored.

But some faculty are criticizing the school's decision, saying anything less than a full restoration of those subjects hurts the school's academic reputation.

The school announced late last week that it would preserve its French, Russian and Theatre programs by turning them into minors. The school will also offer instruction in Italian.

Jean-Francois Briere, languages chair and professor of French studies, said the move is a face-saving measure and that it makes no financial sense to restore a minor and the full course offering of a major because the costs are the same.

"The administration is recognizing it made a mistake," he said. "It's a half measure."

Briere also said the threats of program cuts was being used by the school to push more faculty into retirement.

In October, UAlbany President George Philip announced that the school would eliminate humanities programs as well as classics. An international firestorm of media coverage ensued and the school was criticized for failing to live up to its own motto, "The World Within Reach."

"I regret we cannot afford to sustain all of our degree programs in these areas," President George Philip wrote in a letter at the time to the campus community. "These are challenging times for the University at Albany and the State University of New York."

It is unclear if the partial restorations will mean fewer layoffs. School officials have repeatedly said they will not cut tenured faculty.

By the end of fiscal year 2012, the school will have cut 360 jobs over a four-year period. Philip said it will soon hire an independent consultant to provide recommendations for further efficiencies in its administrative structure and services as the school struggles with an additional cut of $10.5 million in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's budget.

Ivan Steen, a history professor and vice president of the faculty union, said he was relieved by the restorations because many other majors rely on the language department for cross disciplinary course offerings. Still, the primary threat to the quality of a UAlbany education remains. "The real issue is that we need to get money into the university," he said.

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