Ethnobiology Letters

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The Society of Ethnobiology publishes Ethnobiology Letters (ISSN 2159­8126), a gold open access, fully online, peer reviewed journal for publication of short communications. 

Devil's Courthouse on Volume 5 Cover of EBLEthnobiology Letters (EBL) invites manuscripts concerning ethnobiology, the study of the relationships between humans and environments in diverse spatial and temporal contexts.  Article types are research communications, essays, books reviews, and data, methods, and taxonomies. Research Communications (2000-3500 words) are short case studies that include description of methods, results, and brief discussion of the implications of results.  Perspectives (2000-3500 words) present essays about informed opinions, scholarly memoirs, and instructive stories relevant to ethnobiology.  Book Reviews (1000 words) evaluate texts and assess their value within ethnobiology and related disciplines. A list of books currently available for review may be accessed on our main website under Section Policies.  Data, Methods & Taxonomies (2000-3500 words) portray innovative approaches and/or communicate ethnobiological data, such as plant taxa and linguistic notes. Interviews  (3500 words) with leading scholars or recently published authors address contemporary topics in a conversational style. Mini­ Reviews (700-900 words) critically review relevant new literature a highly focused topic of particular interest in ethnobiology. EBL content is indexed in Scopus and DOAJ.



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Consult the Ethnobiology Letters Author Guidelines for formatting instructions.  Longer papers should be submitted for consideration through the Journal of Ethnobiology. Monographs and thematic edited volumes should be submitted to Contributions in Ethnobiology. Due to its scope and small size, the editors of Ethnobiology Letters do not extensively edit manuscripts. We require authors who use English as a second language to have their papers edited prior to submission. Ethnobiology Letters requires authors to conform to our Ethics Declaration and Copyright Release by signing both documents. Also, please see Ethnobiology Letter's Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.