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Justice with Michael Sandel

Welcome to Justice!

Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard's history, and has captivated more than 14,000 students.

Now it's your turn to hone your critical-thinking skills and explore the moral decisions we all face in our lives. Check out this short introduction video and begin your journey.

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Featured Discussions

Take from the Rich, Give to the Poor

Take from the Rich, Give to the Poor

According to philosopher Robert Nozick, when the government takes even a dollar from Bill Gates, a billionaire, and gives it to a poor person, it is like forcing Gates to work for [...]

Is Torture Ever Justified?

Is Torture Ever Justified?

Suppose a man has planted a bomb in New York City, and it will explode in twenty-four hours unless the police are able to find it. Should it be legal for the police to use torture [...]

Separating Law and Morality

Separating Law and Morality

A question to consider as you think about the same-sex marriage debate: is it possible to decide what the law should be without entering into moral and religious controversies [...]

Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights

Philosopher John Locke believes that your “unalienable right” to liberty does not include the right to kill yourself. Is he right? What does your liberty entitle you to do [...]

All Discussions

What Can't Money Buy?

What Can’t Money Buy?

Are there things that money shouldn’t be able to buy? What are they?

White Lies

White Lies

Is telling a misleading truth morally equivalent to lying?

What is Moral Character?

What is Moral Character?

What is moral character? Is it what you tend to do, or is it your beliefs and your attitudes?

Thrown To The Lions

Thrown To The Lions

Consider the example, of the Romans throwing Christians to lions in the Coliseum. If enough cheering spectators derive great pleasure from this violent practice, are there any grounds on which a utilitarian could condemn it?

Golf Cart

Golf Cart

Should the PGA be required to allow Casey Martin to use a golf cart in tournament play?

Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action

To what extent is the distinction between “moral desert” and “entitlements to legitimate expectations” at stake in the affirmative action debate?

Based on Merit

Based on Merit

“Jobs, opportunities, and positions of authority should be distributed solely on the basis of merit.” Do you agree?

Group Obligations

Group Obligations

Are there obligations of solidarity or membership that claim us for reasons independent of consent?