Carl De Torres

This article was taken from the September 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online

Imagine a world where banks take into account your online reputation alongside traditional credit ratings to determine your loan; where headhunters hire you based on the expertise you've demonstrated on online forums such as Quora; where your status from renting a house through Airbnb helps you become a trusted car renter on WhipCar; where your feedback on eBay can be used to get a head-start selling on Etsy; where traditional business cards are replaced by profiles of your digital trustworthiness, updated in real-time. Where reputation data becomes the window into how we behave, what motivates us, how our peers view us and ultimately whether we can or can't be trusted.

Welcome to the reputation economy, where your online history becomes more powerful than your credit history. 

The value of reputation is not a new concept to the online world: think star ratings on Amazon, PowerSellers on eBay or reputation levels on games such as World of Warcraft. The difference today is our ability to capture data from across an array of digital services. With every trade we make, comment we leave, person we "friend", spammer we flag or badge we earn, we leave a trail of how well we can or can't be trusted. 

An aggregated online reputation having a real-world value holds enormous potential for sectors where trust is fractured: banking; e-commerce, where value is exponentially increased by knowing who someone really is; peer-to-peer marketplaces, where a high degree of trust is required between strangers; and where a traditional approach based on disjointed information sources is currently inefficient, such as recruiting. 

Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood, programmers and influential bloggers, saw the window of opportunity to reinvent the way people found jobs through online reputation a few years ago. "Traditional wikis and Q&A platforms drove me crazy," Atwood says. If you had questions, say, on Chrome extensions, double pointers or Tiny Pixels, "you had to wade through endless conversations that went in every possible
direction and where no comment is more or less important than the previous one. We realised there was a need to optimise the way people got answers, to unearth the little gems buried among a lot of dreck." The way to solve this seemed obvious to Atwood. "Have people vote on the best answers, and rank answers," he says.

In September 2008, Atwood and Spolsky launched Stack Overflow. A sort of Digg meets Wikipedia meets eBay, it is a platform for programmers to post detailed technical questions and receive answers from other programmers. "As soon as I touched it, I was hooked," says Marc Gravell, a 33-year-old user based near the Forest of Dean, who, with more than 315,000 points, has the site's second-highest reputation score. Stack Overflow reports more than 24 million unique visitors a month and around 5,500 questions are submitted to the site every day. 

Voting on and editing questions are just two ways in which users can earn reputation points on Stack Overflow. "Reputation is earned by convincing your peers that you know what you are talking about," Spolsky says. "The reason why the site is 100 per cent spam-free and that around 80 per cent of all questions get answered is entirely a function of the community. The way we do that is as you earn more reputation points, you get more powers on the site." 

Shortly after the site launched, Atwood and Spolsky heard that programmers were putting their Stack Overflow reputation scores on their CVs, and headhunters were searching the platform for developers with specific skills. "A CV tells you what schools they went to, what companies they worked for and how well they did on a standardised test when they were teenagers," Spolsky explains. "But if you read the writings of someone on Stack Overflow, you immediately know if they are a skilled programmer or not." In February 2011, Stack Overflow launched Careers 2.0, an invitation-only job board where companies can find skilled programmers. 

Stack Overflow demonstrates how a person's reputation score created in one community is starting to have value beyond the environments where it was built. By answering questions in an expert forum, you create more opportunities to find a better job.

Reputation information can also be used to look forward rather than back -- for instance, using past actions to work out the likelihood of someone honouring an agreement in the future, which could be particularly useful in the financial services industry. "Any kind of business based on credit has to take into account people's ability to repay and their propensity to pay," says Errol Damelin, founder of Wonga, the online short-term cash lender (Wired 06.11). "Even when they are able to repay, will they or won't they? It's a totally different question. That's when reputation really comes into play." Wonga claims to crunch on average 8,000 pieces of data to get a sense of how trustworthy its applicants are.

Brett King, author of Bank 2.0 and founder of New York-based banking startup Movenbank, founded in 2010, agrees with Damelin. "Credit scores are a lagging indicator -- they only look at what has happened in the past," he says. "They [credit agencies] don't use data to look into whether your behaviour is risky or not now."

Movenbank's goal is not just to use technology to personalise the banking experience, but to reinvent the traditional risk model. King spent more than 18 years working for traditional banks and was struck by the opacity of much of the credit assessment process. "Most banks reject around 50 per cent of credit applications. It's a pretty strange business when you reject half of your potential customers and don't even tell them why." 

Don't miss: Aleks Krotoski: Your Klout score is meaningless

At the heart of Movenbank is a concept call CRED. This takes into account an individual's traditional credit score but also aspects such as their level of community involvement, social reputation and trust weighting. Do they have a good eBay rating? Do they send money peer-to-peer? It also measures their social connectivity -- how many friends do they have on Facebook? Who are they connected to on LinkedIn? Do they have an influential Klout score? It combines this data, not just to assess their risk, but to measure the potential value of the customer. If you refer other customers from your network or pay your bills on time, your CRED score will go up. "It's not about your credit, but your credibility," King says.

A big question mark lies around people's readiness to open up their social data, but King believes consumers are willing to make a trade-off if they know how it is going to be used and what they will gain in return. "People are currently underusing their networks and reputation," King says. "I want to help people to understand and build their influence and reputation, and think of it as capital they can put to good use." 

Social scientists have long been trying to quantify the value of reputation. In 2008, Norihiro Sadato, a researcher at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Aichi, Japan, along with a team of colleagues, wanted to determine whether we think about reputation and money in the same way, by mapping the neural response to different rewards. "Although we all intuitively know that a good reputation makes us feel good, the idea that good reputation is a reward has long been just an assumption in social sciences," Sadato says. "There has been no scientific proof." 

In order to prove his hypothesis, Sadato devised an experiment: participants were told they were playing a simple gambling game, in which one of three cards would result in a cash payout. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers monitored brain activity triggered when the subjects received a monetary reward. When the subjects returned on the second day, they were each shown a picture of their face, with a one-word descriptor underneath that a panel of strangers had supposedly written about them. Some of the descriptions were positive, such as "trustworthy", others neutral, such as "patient", and others negative. When participants heard they had a positive reputation, a part of the brain, the striatum, lit up.

The same part would also light up if they had won money. As Sadato puts it: "The implication of our study is that different types of reward are coded by the same currency system." In other words, our brains neurologically compute personal reputation to be as valuable as money. 


  1. Creo que para las personas que pretenden apoyar su economia en base a su fuerza de trabajo merece siempre una oportunidad por parte de los gigantes financieros.  

    pedro reyes alejandre
    Aug 22nd 2012
  2. Welcome to the future. It's retarded.  

    Aug 22nd 2012
  3. How could I trust an online reputation when I don't trust most things online? A virtual world is just is NOT a full representation or replacement of the real world.  

    Aug 23rd 2012
    1. In reply to AMG

      So what do you do online? Nothing?  

      Aug 29th 2012
    2. In reply to AMG

      Not true, Many of the things that you once did offline you now do online( simplest example is shopping ). You do trust at times the review ratings on Amazon , Yelp or the apps reviews on appstore to some extent. Yes, I agree that at the moment it is difficult to comprehend that how our reputation score online will be an indicator of our real character, but then I think that is what reputation in the real world also is, an indicator of our real character. As we do more and more activities online , and technology allows us to collect and analyse them in some way, easier than what we do in the real offline world over a period of time, this score( dont know yet how it will be computed, the challenge that many of the companies highlighted here are trying to solve ) will somehow become an acknowledged indicator of our online reputation.  

      Feb 24th 2013
  4. Great piece, Rachel. Philosophically, I'd worry that Reputation Capital is a utilitarian cul-de-sac. The information derived online represents only the thinnest measure of reputation - a kind of social capital-lite. More importantly, it will tell us nothing at all about Character. The use of such reputation measures as proxies for trustworthy sociability is likely to precipitate still further a process of faked 'socialisation', resulting in psychological 'splitting' from an authentic humane identity. All the forgoing can of course be overturned by dedicated measurement systems that look to surface particular values profiles and hence strive to draw a 'personal graph' rather than the 'social graph' as their startpoint. The obvious problem is that then there's no money in that. Advertising and commerce more generally are predicated on social interaction, of course, and hence all reputational metrics logically drive towards improving social interconnectivity and more transactions. Personal intraconnectivity, or self-cohesion, and hence improved Quality of social interaction, would be an altogether more valuable offering, but would probably result in a less frenetic economy, and even, slower growth...  

    Tim Kitchin
    Aug 30th 2012
    1. In reply to Tim Kitchin

      Tim, as we do more and more activity online( and all indicators show that the next generation is spending much more time online than the previous generations, which is only going to increase with the ubiquity of mobile internet devices ),our actions would start to mold our online reputations. Yes, there are going to be cases where impersonation and faking of identity would be there but I see more and more that over a period of time, importance of your social online reputation will start becoming important for you to socialize and do business not just online but offline as well. We ar not there yet, but looks like we are moving in that direction.  

      Feb 24th 2013
  5. As a technology user, I'm offended by this. The concept of a "global reputation" is driven by a need to mine more information from me, and broker it behind the scenes (an attempt to appeal to my vanity, so I'm willing to let companies like Facebook mine and share my information). An eBay score is really an accurate predictor of anything, outside of eBay? Nope. "Playing nice" is a condition of service with them, and the rules by which I get what I need there. It's not a predictor of how I behave elsewhere, nor are eBay's terms universally applicable. Just because I make my car payment on time, does not mean that I don't rob banks or steal your retirement savings to do it.

    This is the other side of the spectrum from systems like Klout, which also drive me crazy. Those systems let you take your reputation, and use it to blackmail companies into "playing nice" with just you, not their entire customer base. The Airline can treat you like crap, so long as you're not popular enough to give them bad PR. The incentive to the company (or the individual) is always to do the bare minimum, unless there's a chance of getting caught.  

    Not A Sucker
    Sep 4th 2012
  6. Agree Not A Sucker, when it comes to negative reputation feedback, but, positive reputation feedback is REALLY useful!  

    Sep 26th 2012
  7. Rachel - I appreciate this article and your Ted talk on this issue of trust and reputation. Unlike some of the other comments, I believe a person's character is revealed by what they choose to share on-line. We've always been truly inter-connected and inter-dependent: the social web only shows that more clearly. I look forward to following your work. - Nadine  

    Nadine B Hack
    Oct 2nd 2012
  8. Thank you Rachel (and responders); this gives me great information and perspective on what our economy might look like soon. Our monetary system is failing for a host of reasons, most cogently that money is stupid: it does not tell us the depth and granularity of transaction information we are increasingly valuing (who made it? under what working conditions? with what raw materials? environmental impact? am I inadvertently supporting behaviors I abhor? etc). Your phrase, "personal reputation dashboard", is thickly informed by years of research, robust feedback, and unique insight. I eagerly await your next offerings. - Mark  

    Mark Stafford
    Nov 4th 2012
  9. [i]"You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world." [/i]

    Hmm, I wonder if we're allowed to be direct and honest in these comments?

    If so; please cut the canard, Ms Botsman (how apt your surname is! how ironic that bots [b]already exist[/b] to game social ranking sites! how [i]odd[/i] you never mention this! Not to mention the actual manned teams via US military, China's government or India's tech-centres who do the same thing!), and lay your cards on the table.

    You're parroting / pushing / attempting to bask in the reflected glow of Google's (and others) ID / Information agenda. i.e. You possess a singular identity both online and offline and both are there to be mined for data.

    This simply isn't true, and never will be. Public / Private façades have long been researched and studied as largely useless in determining actual "trust" levels of individuals. (The old chestnut: "Who would have thought he was an axe murderer? Such a [i]nice[/i] man at Church!"). Firstly, there's no method (barring good old Philosophy) of determining the Truth content of someone's life, neither is there [b]any[/b] evidence that doesn't suggest that humans have multiple masks, roles, identities and adaptive responses to social situations that are used. The idea of a solid, totally coherent identity is both childish and nonsense to anyone not living in a technological worm-hole. (Hint: if you're writing a book, do some real research). There's also a strong argument that actual success (offline) in being a well-rounded, Trustworthy / high reputation individual hinge upon the ability to easily switch between roles and identities within different situations (the so-called "dramaturgical society" comes to mind).

    If we were being charitable, I'd look at this piece as naive and ideologically idealistic (only the "good guys" will get good scores! No dear, only those who can game the system and their peers will get good scores). However, you then give a nice puff punt for some real dogs of reputation whoring. As such, this puff piece is curiously naive... dare I say, [b]dishonest[/b]? -10 kudos for you! You're touting multiple VC havens of no substance that are highly unlikely to "make bank". I can spot three immediately that I wouldn't bet on even surviving the end of 2013.

    Oh, and Ms Botsman. If you really don't think the [b]actual[/b] players will be swanning through this as totally dark holes of "reputation", think again. Money buys anonymity; or at very least, the ability to have someone else do it for you.  

    Nov 4th 2012
  10. This is exactly what Stefan Molyneux (runs the largest philosophical conversation in the world) said would happen. It's happening right now.  

    Nov 6th 2012
  11. I contacted Dr HOODOO in regards of my lover. who was no longer wanted to associate with me anymore. He was interested in working out of marriage, after begging and pleading with him I realized it was because of another girlfriend, he really was leaving me. My co-worker went threw a similar situation and told me that YOU had helped her. I cant thank you enough, I'm grateful she introduced me to YOU. After discussing the resolution with YOU, your get your lover back spell has done more than what I expected. My lover not only came back to me, but he had also totally left his girlfriend me and now were engaged, we are getting married next month, I don't know what I would have done without YOU,I believe you are my guardian angel. DR HOODOO want to thank you & your gods for all that you've done for me all these years.I'm thankful for all the time & effort you & your gods have put into my case.I am very happy and I will always be grateful sincerely,His email is  

    Feb 7th 2013

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