Overview of the Altmetrics Landscape; publishers and service providers listed

See on Scoop.itDual impact of research; towards the impactelligent university


While the impact of article citations has been examined for decades, the “altmetrics” movement has exploded in the past year. Altmetrics tracks the activity on the Social Web and looks at research outputs besides research articles. Publishers of scientific research have enabled altmetrics on their articles, open source applications are available for platforms to display altmetrics on scientific research, and subscription models have been created that provide altmetrics. In the future, altmetrics will be used to help identify the broader impact of research and to quickly identify high-impact research.


Altmetrics are generally categorized in the following ways:
• Usage—HTML views, PDF/XML downloads, book holdings, etc.
• Captures—Bookmarks, favorites, readers, groups, etc.
• Mentions—Blog posts, news stories, Wikipedia articles, comments, reviews, etc.

• Social Media—User activity from Twitter, Google+, Facebook, etc.
• Citations—CrossRef, PubMed Central, Web of Science, Scopus, Microsoft Academic Search, etc.



Richard Cave, “Overview of the Altmetrics Landscape” (2012). Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference.





See on docs.lib.purdue.edu

About Wilfred Mijnhardt
RMIMR is my virtual playground, a place to reflect on issues from my professional context; my job as Policy Director at Rotterdam School of Management, erasmus University (RSM) and Executive Director at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM is the joint research Institute of the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. www.erim.eur.nl www.rsm.nl www.ese.eur.nl Here is my list of relevant publications on the topic of my RMIMR weblog: http://www.mendeley.com/collections/694621/RMIMR-Repository/ The rss feed for my RMIMR collection is here: http://www.mendeley.com/collections/rss/694621/ Here is my other weblog on impact of research: http://www.scoop.it/t/dualimpact

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