As a member of ECAST, CSPO is collaborating on providing forums to give ordinary citizens a voice in the future of space exploration.
HSD student Heather Ross questions whether medical research should be funded by a predominantly market-driven system with the work of critical drug discovery left to the underfunded public sector.
View the first in a video series depicting some initial findings in the Adaptive Pathways to Climate Change in Nepal project.
Graduate student Jathan Sadowski looks at biometrics and issues of politics, power, and identity.
CSPO Professor of Practice Gregg Zachary's cover story in IEEE Spectrum launches a new public crusade: Engineering needs more heroes.
Manjana Milkoreit explores how climate change policy negotiators think about their own and others' ethical obligations.
Clark A. Miller and Jennifer Richter published an article in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports on the social dimensions of energy policy development.
Professor of Practice Elisabeth Graffy elucidates the role of public influence in developing energy policy noting "a public perception that renewable energy is ready for prime time and a viable part of a climate solution."
Does the ‘scientification of politics’ produce an authoritarian political framework? Jathan Sadowski examines technocracy in a new article in Technology in Society co-authored with Evan Selinger.
HSD student Heather M. Ross discusses issues surrounding the VA and health care.
Scholars and practitioners in the emerging interdisciplinary field known as “responsible innovation” now have a new place to publish their work. The Journal of Responsible Innovation (JRI) will offer an opportunity to articulate, strengthen and critique perspectives about the role of responsibility in the research and development process. The journal will also provide a forum for discussions of ethical, social and governance issues that arise in a society that places a great emphasis on innovation.
The new schedule for CSPO-DC New Tools for Science Policy breakfast seminars is now available. And if you missed a seminar from last year, click here to watch video and look at photos from many of the past seminars.
Faculty members, students and affiliates of the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes share their thoughts, analysis and scholarly reflections on a variety of science and technology policy topics.