
The Interdisciplinary Studies Program (IDS) is unlike any other degree program at Appalachian State University. Students majoring in IDS may choose a pre-designed concentration (see list below) or design their own major. If you have a strong interest in integrating concepts and methods from multiple disciplines, come chat with us about options.

Interim Program Director: Derek Stanovsky (stanovskydj@appstate.edu)

Pre-Designed Concentrations (links to checksheets)

Examples of Individually Designed Degrees

  • Hispanic Health (combining biology, health care, and Spanish)
  • Social Permaculture (combining sustainable development, philosophy, and dance/yoga)
  • Empowerment Pedagogy (combining education, psychology and recreation management) 
  • Expressive Arts Therapy (combining art and psychology)
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict Management (combining biology, psychology, and communication)
  • Social Construction of Sustainability (combining sociology, sustainable development, and business) 
 As of July 2013 IDS is housed in the Department of Cultural, Gender, and Global Studies  
QEP Global Learning

Support IDS

Support IDS
Support our programs so that we may continue to offer students the unique experience of Interdisciplinary Studies.
