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People are getting more and more afraid to communicate with other people.
At least they didn't have to worry about bad Wi-Fi reception our battery's dying.
I talked about this before.

What your seeing is only a "moment", because that was the time to read a paper or book.

Not like now, where you seeing people text and browse the internet almost endlessly.

Like while driving or riding a bike or in church or during a meeting at work. Back in the day, people had enough sense to not read and payed attention and showed some respect to others.

Something that is definitely lacking in todays world.
We browse the internet all the time, and that is the best thing we have today, informations, comunication, I would not go back to bronze age just because some people does not behave nice and text while someone is talking to them.

I comunicate more than ever, with people from the all over the world, anyone who say people does not interact today because we have internet and smart devices, is either 100 years old troll or someone not smart enough to use technology.

Edison talked about Tesla and his AC, how bad and evil it is because you can get killed, but it is not electricity's falt if you die, it is yours because you did not use it the way it should.
+Bojan Bojovic true, but we communicate way too much, and at times I feel like smacking that phone/tablet/netbook out of people hands because they're NOT paying attention. 
I do that all the time. :)
But, I do not blaim technology, we humas need more time to absorb new things, and learn how to use them, just remember what we did with nuclear power as soon as we puted our hands on it... :)
+Bojan Bojovic humans needs to not keep making the same mistakes and brushing them off because they have money/power. People today are so greedy it makes no sense.

I'd be more then happy to go back in the day and leave todays technology behind in favor of honest, hard working people who leafn from their mistakes and not do them again and find other forms of energy and communication. 
A lot of the same criticisms that people have about phones/tablets today, were directed at books/written text when they were first conceived.
+Mark Chance but they're not the same things. Plus we're looking at 2 different time periods as well.
I know, I was just saying. Mistake in my comment, I meant when books/text went mainstream.
+Paul Brazzle I understand your point, but no one said that people can not be good, moral, and honest with modern technology.

Also, do not forget that technology is not only what we see today in 21. century, it was present back in those days you mention, just in some other form, and people were using it and they were good, hard working, and honest as you say.

Then again, hard work is not directly connected with morality, honesty, and it is not the measure of how good the person is, just as going to church and calling them selfs christians does not mean that those people are good by default.

I agree, so many things are devalued today, but many more things are getting better.

I am sorry, English is not my native, I hope you understand what I want to say... :)
+Mark Chance We just need to understand that we're mature, human beings, and as such, need to somtimes put these devices down and look around at the world with our own eyes.

Sure, we see and do things easier with the "help" of the Internet, just sometimes, try and do something on your own, or ask someone (a real person) if you need help. We need to communicate with ourselves more physically and without being behind a glass screen.
+Paul Brazzle You say that like we never go out from our houses and we never talk to other people except using our phones and computers, but that is just science fiction. :)

But look at it this way, I do not know where are you from, but we have this conversation even we are more than 3000 kilometers away one from another. That is just great. :)
Paul brazzle.... you said it well. It's so true and yet sooo sad. I sometimes think that the good old days of ppl caring are gone but then I have to keep the hope and the faith that Good ppl with good values will continue to do so and try to reach out to others. 
Don't blame technology blame ourselves for miss using it because without technology we would have been in the stone age
I disagree. ..ever play Ingress..if not, you should, its the counter for the 'tech making people antisocial' argument. ...THIS is how tech should be going...
wrong technology is a way to keep in touch with people
Great sarcastic response to technophobes.
How can you misuse technology? Using a internet capable phone to surf the internet is exactly what it's made for.

If the person with the phone doesn't want to talk to you then they don't want to talk to you.
It has nothing to do with the phone.
Randy R
At least back then we talked to each other
We still talk to each other...
Randy R
Today is far from the social world I grew up in. Neighbors use to know each other an hang out together
I don't believe that.......we are just a bit lazy trust me I'm not the type to remove my phone in public and play around when in talking with my friends except if the topic is on phone then we all pull our phones out to check the stuff we all have 
If anything technology is making us more social and connected 
And more superficial and artificial. our humanity is slowly disappearing
You guys are calling yourselves un social.....do something about it !!!
Yes and more ads add to newspaper for exist. 
One good way to be more social is when you hangout, just leave your phone in your pocket without touching it. Focus on whats you doing without being sidetracked.
I think when we are packed in like sardines it's best to be quiet with a nice look on your face until we can all escape.  One can offer a seat to anyone needing it or help pick up stuff dropped but socializing in situations above could be awkward at best....
Instead of newspapers, its cell phones and tablets that make people antisocial nowadays.. shame really, but that's how things have grown to be.
+Beth R they both had pertinent points. "Won" implies they were competing against one another. 
+Corinne Tabb the only way a situation can be awkward is if you make it so. If theres a pause in the conversation, fill it. A little effort can work wonders being more sociable. 
+Sena Tese there will all ways be someone who doesn't like change and wants everyone to live in the past because they don't like it, then a year or so later and you will find they have joined in as well  and wonder why they were ever complaining   
+Jay Samad He is a national hero here where I am from, I also like his life story, even there is so many misteries around him.

When people use their phones, computers or any other technology while talking to you, they are just rude and unpolite, and it will be the same if they read newspapers, or a book, it has nothing to do with technology.

We all have the same feeling that some old times were better, more honest, or warmer, but that is just subjective feel from our point of view.
We are all geting older and everything we love and know about the world is slowli going to history, which is sometime very hard to accept and then we say that some old times were better.
Even if I have this feeling I still would not exchange this time with any other, maybe for the future, but I am not sure about it.

We need to remember that technology is all around us for more than 40 000 years, it is everythnig that man made to make his life easier and better, so saying that technology is suddenly bad for us is not true, because it changed our specie in that maner so we can be better and better day after day.

Some parts of our society is going in the wrong direction I agree, but not all and not because of technology and science.
Yep sure is I don't like it either people spend far less communicating via face to face and while it takes 5 min to call someone up its taking 15 min to respond to txt . 
There a difference between only two news sources radio and your local news paper.
But with the technology. ..u can get on social media. ...social networking. ....Dumass
Not true.....most of what u see is....social if interacting with others......
I hate the sound of a newspaper page being turned over so 
+Stone Lewis local news? I can understand, but the idea that you know something that has no use to you or others. You might as well know NOTHING if it serves no purpose.

Example? 3,000,000 people died in Africa today.

Now, what are you going to do with that info? Answer: Gossip. It's all you can do with it. Its useless to you.
+Stone Lewis

It depends soical networks like Twitter, or FB are not stimulating in positive direction . But I do enjoy G+ communities when there a topic of my have interest to be discussed on progression and analyzed. 
Paul ....1 how do u know that for sure. ...and its not useless.....if it living life not giving a Fuck bout anything. .... Taking everything for granted knowing that can change your whole perspective of life .......cuz that is a lot of people ....if it's true
+Stone Lewis so your telling me that you'll drop everything and goto Africa to try and make a difference? 
And if y'all got a problem with what I'm saying y r u on Google+ anyway cuz "newsflash" it's a social media network
If I had the money. ...HELL YEAH. .....u wouldn't?. ...... And u r a prime example of what I am talking about .....you are blessed with a home and everything that you have ....people are everywhere not just in Africa.... but everywhere living on the streets.... starving ...dying everyday
+Stone Lewis
Not debating the definition of a social networks, you have not proved one of your marks. In fact you have strayed way off topic maybe your confused? Your interest are self diluted with cynical characteristics.

This is my opinion .....everyone has their own ...... I'm not confused
+Stone Lewis "If you had the MONEY"
and that's why that piece if information I stated in my earlier post is USELESS to you.

Those people are dead, you can cry and scream all you want. The media wants you to believe you can make a difference, heck they give you twitter and Facebook so you can post your rage and emotions.

For 15 seconds....

And the only people that benefit is the media, they make millions in ratings by sponging off texts and chatrooms.

At least with a newspaper, if your in it, you can cut it out and keep it.
Ok look....take away the media. ..... Guarantee people would be talking about the same stuff.... in person
+Stone Lewis now your getting it.

It takes people, talking to other people you start local getting a group together, then you organize your group, you plan and raise money to support your cause.

Then get on tv, and setup a 1 on 1 with a reporter of a local tv station, youget the word out and you get more support and your organization grows, with more people and money.

You see where im going with this, if you want to make difference in anything, even in this day and age, you need "physical" support, PEOPLE POWER! And you cant do that with these social networks. 
Can advertise on social network .......and what you're talking about is a charity
and just saying television programming is worse this social networking ......put it this way Tele.. vision.. programming..... people r telling you visually to program your brain
Socrates said that writing would make speech obsolete and "turn our brains to mush".
I think that as a whole the human race is moving forward. With that being said, I also think that with our rising capabilities as a species- whether due to technological advances or enlightened thinking- comes a greater divide between our most amazing achievements and our most horrific offenses. With each increase of our capabilities we must learn increased responsibility. Technology should enhance the human experience. Whether the cuneiform or the smart phone. Sadly misuse and misunderstanding of its potential is always part of the learning curve. 
+Paul Brazzle thank you Paul, I've begun telling people to not text me but call. Need more personal interactions 
+thomas parisi That being said I don't think the technology we have now a days enhances the human experience. If anything it controls us cellular phone , laptops , game systems , entertainment shows and movies. The technology that the public can access is just a distraction. And for the whole cell phones and internet making people antisocial is bull shit. we are capable of being in contact with anyone at anytime , people just choose to be glue to there phones on Twitter , Facebook , etc etc. I personally think social media is a fun way to profile yourself to millions of people you have no capabilities of what they can do. 
Yep!!! No ringing, just the sound of ruffling paper.....😃 
+Tim Pace and do what? Trade cooking recipes, compare next gen smartphones that have the battery life of a bakery-donut, or which are cuter; puppies or kittens?

And don't forget the celebrity-wannabe vloggers, doing everything from reporting news in bikinis, to editorials with more "4 letters words" then anything else that's even REMOTELY useful to you.
+Tim Pace you are correct. Although it is not the technology which controls us but the way of thinking which is propagated through the technology. We are losing touch with who we truly are by the incessant influences of a system which is designed to do exactly that. We are being manipulated as a means to an end. It is a self generating cycle of nonsense. Frankly it scares me. 
I applaud using your smartphone in church, because then at least it's not a complete waste of time.