Michigan 4-H launches statewide volunteer recruitment campaign

Michigan 4-H volunteer recruitment buttonIn an effort to serve additional youth through its 4-H program, Michigan State University (MSU) Extension launched a statewide volunteer recruitment campaign. The campaign hopes to reach thousands of caring volunteers who will give their time to the state’s youth through Michigan 4-H.

“We hope the campaign will show adults all the ways they can volunteer with 4-H,” said Julie Chapin, director of MSU Extension children and youth programs.

Supported by a grant from the Michigan Community Service Commission, the campaign will include television commercials airing across the state. Other key components of the campaign include targeted Facebook and Twitter advertisements, messages on both state and county 4-H social media sites and more.  The campaign will continue throughout 2014 with a goal of recruiting 8,000 new volunteers. For more information, visit the Michigan 4-H website.

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