Thu, September 11, 2014

PADP In 60 Seconds

  • 2014 MPA Socialization

    2014 Socialization kicked off on Monday, August 11th. It was the first of a three-day orientation to the MPA program as well as to UGA and the Athens communities. About 60 new and returning students attended socialization this year. Students attend two days of seminars and participate in a service project on the third day. Welcome incoming class of 2014!

  • 14th Seoul Case Study

    Students from the Department of Public Administration and Policy recently returned from their trip to Seoul as part as a special topics course. The week-long trip capped off a semester of learning about city management and urban governance. During the trip, students were given the opportunity to further understand  policy management and reforms undertaken by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. In addition to UGA, other participating schools included Rutgers University, Central Michigan University, and the University of Sheffield (UK).

  • 2014-15 GSPA Officers Announced

    The Georgia Students for Public Administration announced officers for the 2014-15 academic year. Fellow GSPA members voted on the officers. The executive board is as follows: Emily Zier, President; Cameron Goershel, Vice President; Michelle LeBlanc, Social Development Chair; Sam Perren, Professional Development Chair; Shelby Devine, Treasurer; and Sarah Sheehan, Academic Development Chair. Congratulations to the newly elected officers.

Department News, Student News

New MPA cohort participates in service learning

Aug 2014 First-year MPA students wrapped up socialization week with Saturday morning service learning projects across the community. Students served at three different Habitat for Humanity sites, the Salvation Army, and J.J. Harris Elementary School through the organization Keep ACC Beautiful. Student concluded their service with a discussion on what they learned at their locations as well as how they can relate their classwork to the work that is currently being done in the community. These projects also kicked off each student's goal to volunteer 100 hours of their time while in the MPA program. Seven hours down, only 93 left!

Student News

Student gives volunteer management presentation

Aug 2014 Second-year MPA student, Amanda Stephens, gave a great presentation entitled "Volunteer Management - Best Practices" for a summer course on volunteer management. Amanda Stephens is a 2nd year MPA student, specializing in Nonprofit Administration. Amanda is currently on staff at Georgia 4-H where she coordinates student leadership conferences and works collaboratively with extension specialists and volunteers to offer quality youth development programs across Georgia. She recently created volunteer management materials for extension agents and associates who coordinate 4-H volunteer programs across the southern region. She hopes to continue working with volunteer managers to build capacity for Georgia 4-H programs and activities.

More Headlines from SPIA

  • School of Public and International Affairs
  • Department of Public Administration and Policy
  • Sep 2014

Mutual Exchange: SPIA students travel to South Korea to study policy management in Seoul

  • School of Public and International Affairs
  • Sep 2014

Dean Lindquist Gives Lecture at the Mexican Electoral Tribunal

  • School of Public and International Affairs
  • Department of Political Science
  • Sep 2014

Dr. David Mayhew to Give Annual Parthemos Lecture

Up Close

  • Christensen, Robert K.

    Associate Professor

    Dr. Christensen is passionate about public service. He studies public and nonprofit organizations and personnel--including courts and judges--to advance public service research, education, and practice....

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    Francis, Carla

    Carla received her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in Environmental Economics and Management. After spending three years in the public sector teaching environmental education she has returned to UGA to seek her Master of Public Administration. ...

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    Hamilton, Christian

    Christian Hamilton was born and raised in sunny South Carolina, and quite often finds it very hard to leave. A Myrtle Beach native, Christian commonly describes where he lives as “where you vacation,” and this is especially true of someone raised on beach sand and sweet tea....

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  • Lauth, Thomas P.

    Dean and Professor Emeritus of the School of Public and International Affairs

    Thomas P. Lauth is Dean Emeritus of the School of Public and International Affairs and Professor Emeritus of Public Administration and Policy....

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    Meehan, Julie

    Major: Public Administration and Policy

    Julie Meehan is pursuing her PhD in Public Administration and Policy with a concentration in Nonprofit Management. She is enhancing nearly 20 years of nonprofit experience with research to build the capacity of nonprofits to meet current challenges in the sector. ...

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PADP Calendar
Oct 1

Deadline for submitting applications for admission to candidacy for Dec 2014 graduation

5:00 pm

Final date for submitting applications for admission to candidacy to the Graduate School for doctoral candidates who plan to graduate in December 2014. If you were not admitted to candidacy prior to June 13, 2014, you must register for 10 hours Fall 2014.

Oct 10

Getzen Lecture: Betsy Fretwell

2:00 pm

UGA Chapel

Oct 16

Deadline for submitting requests for transfer of credit for Dec 2014 graduation

5:00 pm

Final date for submitting requests for transfer of credit, with accompanying transcripts, to the Graduate School for students graduating in December 2014.

Oct 24

Deadline for doctoral students to submit information for December 2014 Commencement program

5:00 pm

Final date for doctoral students to submit information for Commencement program for December 2014 graduation

Nov 10

Deadline for submitting thesis or dissertation for a format check for December 2012 graduation

5:00 pm

Final date for submitting one complete copy of a thesis or dissertation for a format check for December 2014 graduation.

Dec 1

Final date for the receipts by the Graduate School

5:00 pm

Final date for the receipts by the Graduate School

Dec 12

Final date for completing all requirements for December 2014 graduation

5:00 pm

Final date for completing all requirements except submission of theses/dissertations

Dec 19

2014 Graduate School Commencement

2:30 pm

2014 Graduate School Commencement