Multi-Ethnic Bird Guide of the Sub-Antarctic Forests of South America

The Multi-Ethnic Bird Guide of the Sub-Antarctic Forests of South America recording has been released via the UNT Digital Library. The recording is free and accessible worldwide to listen to. The audio recording originally came from two audio CDs from the book published by UNT Press and available from in print and e-book form at The text of the book is online for the UNT community to read via the UNT Digital Library at:

These audio files will familiarize the reader with 50 bird species from the temperate forest region of southern Chile and Argentina, and their names in four languages, followed by numerous narratives of Yahgan and Mapuche stories about the birds translated directly from interviews with elders of both communities.

The book was published in April of 2010; authored by Dr. Ricardo Rozzi, a professor in Philosophy and Religion Studies at the University of North Texas, and director of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, coordinated by UNT in the U.S., UMAG, and Institute of the Ecology and Biodiversity in Chile.