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Académies suisses des sciences  


Network for Transdisciplinary Research







A Tour d'Horizon of literature
related to Transdisciplinarity published in 2013

We have requested experts of inter- and transdisciplinary research to indicate to us important new literature in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research, teaching and practice published in 2013. The proposed literature is compiled in a document (see link below). The experts shortly commented the publications that they recommended.

pfeil Tour d’Horizon of Literature 2013 (pdf)


Click here to see all lists that have been published since 2005.




Recommended reading in inter- and transdisciplinarity:
Introductory texts

«Which publications would you recommend as first readings to a (young) scientist that wants to become familiar with the key concepts and thinking in the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity?»


This was the central question of the td-net Delphi study with an international expert panel.


We invite you to discover the outcome:



The «Conférence Suisse Inter- et Transdisciplinarité ITD 14» is in preparation:

Repenser les méthodes de recherche ?
Transformer les pratiques, inventer de nouveaux outils

Forschungsmethoden neu denken?
Wandel gängiger Praktiken, Entwicklung neuer Tools



Programm-booklet (pdf)



pfeil 20.06.2014 Délai de l'inscription | Anmeldeschluss

pfeil 14.05.2014 Notification de l'acception | Benachrichtigung über Zusage

pfeil 23.04.2014 Délai pour soumettre des propositions | Abgabetermin für Beiträge

pfeil 21.02.2014 CfP



1. Sustainable University Day

Today, Sustainable Development is a major challenge - wether it is a matter of climate change, limited resources or social injustice. On March 28, 2014, the first Sustainable University Day highlights the importance of this societal concept.


The Congress takes place at the University of Bern, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Bern from 09.00 - 17.00.


Please find more information on the programme's website:




«swiss-academies award for transdisciplianry research» 2013

pfeil Information about the winning projects...

pfeil press release in german and french (pdf)




A Tour d'Horizon of literature
related to Transdisciplinarity published in 2012

We have requested experts of inter- and transdisciplinary research to indicate to us important new literature in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research, teaching and practice published in 2012. The proposed literature is compiled in a document (see link below). The experts shortly commented the publications that they recommended.

pfeil Tour d’Horizon of Literature 2012 (pdf)


Click here to see all lists that have been published since 2005.



Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2013

Exchange platform for interdisciplinary researchers – reflected practice
and the presentation ceremony for the td-award 2013


Monday, October 21 2013, Bern, Theatersaal Hotel National, Hirschengraben 24

Registration deadline: June 27 2013

Deadline for poster submission: August 18 2013


more information more information