
I am a postdoc research associate, funded by the NSF DataONE cyberinfrastructure project.  I’m working with the Dryad team at NESCent, focusing on analysis of data sharing and reuse behaviour.  I am working remotely from Vancouver Canada, with a home base in the Biodiversity building in the Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia.
My research focuses on studying the patterns, prevalence and impact of data sharing and reuse behaviour of “small science” post-publication datasets.  My doctoral research focused on biomedical data, particularly gene expression research.  My postdoc work, in contrast, will concentrate on data in evolution and ecology.
You can follow my research progress on the web:
* published research, news, and CV
* open research notes at Open Wet Ware
* research blog http://www.researchremix.org
* twitter @researchremix
* github open source code
* slideshare open presentations
* friendfeed researchremix
If you have any questions, suggestions, or interest overlap with my published research, datasets, or research plans, please get in touch — I’d love to hear from you.

Heather PiwowarI’m currently working full time on Impactstory, a web application that helps scholars tell the full impact of their research, featuring traditional and non-traditional metrics of articles, datasets, software, slides, and blog posts.  Check it out and follow us on Twitter at @impactstory.

I recently completed a postdoc at Duke University and NESCent.  My research focuses on studying the patterns, prevalence and impact of data sharing and reuse behaviour of “small science” post-publication datasets.

You can follow my activity on the web:

If you have any questions, suggestions, or shared interest, please get in touch — I’d love to hear from you:  hpiwowar@gmail.com.