Dallascontemporarymuseum added to your favorite sellers in My eBay!

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eclipse gumYou’ve got to stay alert to catch the best bargains on eBay- since last March, the Dallas Contemporary has been using the auction site to sell off limited edition prints donated by Dallas area artists! Last spring, prints by James Surls, Vernon Fisher, and Julie Speed were going for $50 each. This fall, alert (and patient) buyers could have scooped up Group, an aquatint by Melissa Miller, Seascape 12211 by Ted Kincaid, or Fingerprint by Tom Orr for $15. Information on item 150808841942, “Ludwig Schwarz Untitled They Hate Us Our Free Gum Limited Edition Print,” (which sold for $25), was no longer available, but eBay kindly found me fifty similar items to consider, including a Sol Lewitt limited edition dinner plate ($650), and a limited edition beach towel by John Baldessari ($135), but the only thing with a similar price was a 4-pack lot of Eclipse peppermint gum.

Sorry- you missed it!  The Dallas Contemporary’s last eBay sale was on January 8, 2013 (“From North to South, East to West” original drawings by Linnea Glatt (#150974630479) US $15.00) They currently have no items for sale.



3 responses to “Dallascontemporarymuseum added to your favorite sellers in My eBay!”

  1. We’re all pretty damn upset about this…

  2. Dallas Contemporary would like to sincerely apologize for the above mentioned situation. We made a poor decision and have taken all precautions to delete any online sales activity. We know that this does not repair the situation completely, but please know that we are aware of the severity of this and are doing everything in our power to improve the situation.

    It is our hope that this situation will not take away from the important fact that Dallas Contemporary will continue to support local artists alongside national and internationally recognized artists through exhibitions and learning programs.

  3. I’m torn between being upset on behalf of the artists and being jealous that somebody got great art at a fraction of the price of my kids’ latest Lego set.

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