Author: Bryan Miller

Bryan Miller is an artist turned art dealer turned to be continued. He loves all things irreverent and one thing German. Bryan is sometimes called Byron or Brad or even Brandon. He received his Master's of the Universe degree from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, then lived in Berlin for a while where he painted pictures that were way before their time. After that he moved to Houston where he ran an art gallery for five years. He is currently giving the city some time to catch its breath before he unveils his next mind-blowing venture.


Glass Satire: CAMH Art Crush

Glass Satire’s newest installment explores the incompatibility of contemporary floor-based sculpture with very important people who don’t ever look down. (It also explains why the Félix González-Torres sculpture in the CAMH’s last show moved from the floor to a pedestal.)

Glass Satire: CAMH Art Crush

The Ten List: Art Loves Baseball

It’s the All Star break, a time when the very best professional baseball players have to travel for work and the rest get a four-day vacation. It’s also the dead of summer, when the Houston art world generally slows to a trickle and creative group shows compete for the attention of whoever’s not in Aspen. [...]

Todd Hebert, Ball With Lights, 2012, Acrylic on canvas over panel