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John Randall Nelson: fraught simply fraught, with narrative

John Randall Nelson: fraught simply fraught, with narrative

Symbolic amalgamations, of collaged symbols and text, influenced by “outsider” artists such as Bill Traylor and Simon Rodia with a knowing post-modern twist.

Steven J. Miller: Fish and Fowl

Steven J. Miller: Fish and Fowl

In Miller’s small-scale acrylic paintings of an imagined, not too distant future familiar objects and places are integrated with islands shaped like thumbs and fantastical twenty-third century architecture.

Dirty Dozen Ice Sculpting Competition

Dirty Dozen Ice Sculpting Competition

A dozen acclaimed ice artists from around the country use chainsaws and blow torches to battle for the grand prize: ice master Buddy Rasmussen will be back to defend his 2011 title. A grand finale ice fight between The Reverend Butter and the winning master carvers to live music at 5pm. This year the competition [...]

Barry Anderson: Junk Yard

Barry Anderson: Junk Yard

A high-definition video animation of bits and pieces of pop culture icons and pulp fiction figures. In a slow-rolling tour, figures, body parts, buildings, and objects emerge as objects once idolized now cast aside and overgrown with blades of grass. Anderson’s work was recently featured in the Kemper Museum’s The Big Reveal exhibition.

Sarah Williams: Nightfall

Sarah Williams: Nightfall

A solo exhibition of paintings: Williams’ new urban landscapes of industrial American roadsides.

Angel Fernandez and Kit Reisch: Sublimation Simulacrum

Angel Fernandez and Kit Reisch: Sublimation Simulacrum

Soft, voluptuous, colorful, human-scale sculptures by Fort Worth artist Angel Fernande explore masculinity. Dallas-based Kit Reisch, currently living in Prague focuses on his experience as a foreigner living in the Czech capital, including a faithfully reproduced miniature wood version of the actual tower near the language school where he teaches.

Cande Aguilar: The Mericle Paintings

Cande Aguilar: The Mericle Paintings

The second Gallery A exhibition at Cohn Drennan Contemporary featured miniaturized versions of Aguilar’s larger paintings, some made of actual scrapings of pigment, others are “snapshots” of his signature style.

Constructed Realities: Joshua Goode & Lesli Robertson

Constructed Realities: Joshua Goode & Lesli Robertson

Sculptural works of art by two Dallas artists who use materials commonly associated with construction. Goode will be exhibiting The Haunted Mesa, an installation exploring the enigmatic qualities of ancient tombs.

Joseph Cohen: Fatto in Italia

Joseph Cohen: Fatto in Italia

Cohen recently returned from a sojourn to southern Italy, where he reflected on the nature of paint and human perception.

Lane Banks: Concentric Squares

Lane Banks: Concentric Squares

Insistently abstract, mathematical, conceptual, and geometric paintings, constructed entirely from numerical rhythms and proportions.

Montrose Improvement Bureau: Inaugural Meeting

Montrose Improvement Bureau: Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural meeting of the loosely-organized Montrose Improvement Bureau (M.I.B) to discuss innovative approaches to improve the Montrose community. Murals, bus stop benches, weed whacking, light rail, public spaces, public works, public safety, public nudity. Everyone is encouraged to either bring a presentation or simply come to absorb the information. Doors open at 7 for [...]

Lindsay Palmer: Everything Begins With A Story

Lindsay Palmer: Everything Begins With A Story

A solo show reflecting Palmer’s thoughts on the subjects of buildings and culture, buildings and the environment, and they way in which our constructed world reflects our human desires, our triumphs, and our failures.

Culture Laboratory Collective: Land Portrait

Culture Laboratory Collective: Land Portrait

Works based upon collective memebers’ relationship with a particular place, landform, landscape, topography, or state of current residence.

Keith Williams: Introspection

Keith Williams: Introspection

Recent paintings of people and animals exploring the dream state.

Sarah Williams: Nightfall

Sarah Williams: Nightfall

New urban landscapes of industrial American roadsides, emphasizing a sense of abandonment. In the video gallery: Barry Anderson’s Junk Yard, an HD video animation of bits and pieces of pop culture icons and pulp fiction figures.

Peter Blum Edition Archive: Highlights

Peter Blum Edition Archive: Highlights

Printmaking by  big-name contemporary Artists Eric Fischl, Alex Katz, Barbara Kruger, Sherrie Levine, Brice Marden, David Rabinowitch and Terry Winters, selected from the Peter Blum Edition Archive, acquired by the MFAH in 1996. In the lower corridor near Café Express is a new Peter Blum edition, Reconstructions by Huma Bhabha, on view through March 20, [...]

Walter Nelson: Graffiti on Aspen Trees – Nature vs. Man

Walter Nelson: Graffiti on Aspen Trees – Nature vs. Man

Photographs of arboglyphs, intended to illustrate the pain that man projects from the self onto the natural environment.

Marilyn Jolly, Melba Northum and Susan Sitzes:Transience: Imperfect, Impermanent, Incomplete

Marilyn Jolly, Melba Northum and Susan Sitzes:Transience: Imperfect, Impermanent, Incomplete

Three Dallas area artists with a close affinity for found and collected materials, and sympathetic with the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi-sabi, a complicated sensibility that is often centered on the acceptance of transience and appreciation of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent or incomplete.

Eric Eley: Coincident Disruption

Eric Eley: Coincident Disruption

A large scale installation by Dallas artist Eric Eley. Improvised skeletal structures and nets suspended from the ceiling of the gallery explore visual and architectural camouflage. Eley recently installed his first permanent outdoor sculpture at the corporate headquarters of

Laurie Frick: Quantify Me

Laurie Frick: Quantify Me

Frick hand-builds rhythmic works and installations from modest materials that stimulate the neural processing of memory. Recycled cardboard, hand towels, junk mail, gallery cards, old paper-back book covers, found wood – each registers as familiar texture we’ve all touched and experienced. The work pulls from Frick’s background in engineering and high-technology to explore science, human [...]