David Krueger and Greg Donner building a straw bale house in West Texas [Courtesy SKYDIVE]

Open House at SKYDIVE

Located in the same Montrose building as Skybar, SKYDIVE is currently showing “OPEN HOUSE,” a collaborative exhibition by Jon Brumit and Sarah Wagner, through March 11. The space, a new artist studio/exhibition space/anarchist-inspired school, is open to the public Saturdays 1-5 pm. This Saturday, February 28, at 2 pm and the next week, March 7, they are holding a “Free School for the Arts.”

Sasha Dela, the curator and a former Core fellow, explained what inspired the free school. “I teach at universities and have found what I want to teach is not included in the programming at the universities,” she said. “I wanted a place where new things can happen, something interdisciplinary, where people can volunteer to teach a class or students can propose a class. There is a long tradition of free schools, an anarchist tradition that started in Spain. There are no charges. We may go off-site or stay at Skydive.”

Here are the details about the classes and the exhibition:

Building a Green Home in Houston
Saturday February 28, 2009 2-4pm

Take a tour with designer John Smith through his new house currently under construction. He will highlight the sustainable aspects of the design and will discuss residential development from an architect’s perspective.

Build your own house!
Saturday, March 7, 2009 4-6pm

On March 7th come and see a slideshow of a visionary project begun by two local artists Greg Donner and David Krueger. The project, initiated in 2006 in far West Texas, involves the construction of a straw bale building and ultimately several studios that will be available for artists and others to work or use as a retreat for spiritual reflection.

February 12-March 11

The exhibition itself sound fascinating, whether or not you can participate in the schools. Through their many experiments with notions of home, Chicago based artist couple Jon Brumit and Sarah Wagner will create a survey through drawing, photos and sculpture in the SKYDIVE space. Here’s what they have to say: “Home, for us, has been re-discovered and re-invented in our hearts and minds as the multiform and frequently fugitive structural relationship between ourselves and something larger than ourselves. It is our families, each other, our cats, our friends, former houses, dorm rooms, stories, a houseboat, dreams, foods, moving trucks, our studios, vans, tents, bike bags, friends’ couches, an in-progress container home, our newest $100 home in Detroit and most importantly and perhaps most constantly each other – a morphing, evolving and strengthening bond through time and space, going on 17 years as a couple. Over this time we have worked together as artists, sculptors, builders, remodelers, repair-people and most recently as designers, growing through spirited and fierce dialog, sharing dreams, visions and hope.”

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1 Comment

  1. 1

    [...] of well known local artists like Joe Havel, Demetrius Oliver (formerly local), Aaron Parazette, Greg Donner and Rachel Hecker. Having visited Nyquist’s collection on several occasions, I remain [...]