Author: Melissa Grobmyer


Howard Sherman at McMurtrey Gallery

  Howard Sherman’s in-your-face aesthetic and cartoon-like drawing pays homage to Keith Haring and especially Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose street-art inspired paintings ran counter to the Minimalist establishment.   Their art challenged Minimalist emphasis on finish and intention in a work of art. Sherman started his career as an editorial cartoonist, but he quickly moved into painting, [...]

Howard Sherman, Gold plated AK 2011, acrylic and marker on canvas, 60" x 50"

Lynda Benglis at Texas Gallery

I am not going to rehash Lynda Benglis’ career, (for that see Roberta Smith’s NYT review of the New Museum Show), but she has been around for a long time, and had a controversial start.   The first time I saw Benglis’ work was in a private collection in the nineties, and the work was about [...]

Lynda Benglis, Morse, 2010, Glass and copper, 30 1/2 x 8 1/4 x 5 3/4"

Art Basel Miami

Searching for the sublime in Miami: and I don’t mean mojitos… …although they were delicious at the MFAH/Cruz Diez foundation party at the Raleigh Hotel on Thursday night, where several Houston Collectors (with a large “C”) hobnobbed with the Miami glitterati in full-on regalia. And while people watching in Miami is always sublime, that is [...]

Art Basel Miami