New Rice U Art Building in the Works; Maltzan Working on Pre-Design

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Maltzan's Inner City Arts Center in LA

Rice University has taken concrete steps towards building a new, $30 million art building on its Houston campus. Architect Michael Maltzan of Los Angeles is under contract for a pre-design of the new facility, which, according to Visual and Dramatic Arts Department Chair John Sparagana will likely bring the Rice University Art Gallery, the department’s studios and classrooms, a cinema, and a black box theater under one roof, forming a new anchor for the already busy entrance #8 off University Drive, on or near the site of the 40 year-old “temporary” buildings that currently house the Rice Media Center. Said Sparagana,”It all clicked into pace last Wednesday; it’s exciting to have an architect we want to work with,” adding that the new building might help leverage support for the launch of a Rice University MFA program.

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