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Think Unsexy Thoughts: A Post-Erotic Art Show

Call for Artwork and Proposals

Think Unsexy Thoughts: A Post-Erotic Art Show

Submission deadline: Friday, August 31, 2011
Selected artists notified: Second and third week of September
Finished pieces must be mailed/shipped or dropped off in person by Sunday, September 16.

Opening Reception: Thursday, September 20
Exhibition runs through October 6

Where: Wardenclyffe Gallery
1101 Springdale Rd.
Austin, Texas 78721

Project Coordinator/Press Contact: Rachelle Díaz,


Think Unsexy Thoughts emphasizes the not so much sexy subjects of straight and gay erotic art, but rather examines the genre: its formalities, presentation, contexts. What do the aesthetic constraints of the erotic oevure say about how genre artists and enthusiasts, both their own (internal), and in art/media/culture (external)? How does art that supposedly expresses the limitless bounds of sexuality and sensuality, meant to be authentic, become consumable; and vice versa? Artistic examinations may be political, feminist, androgynous, genderqueer, secret, comical, fashion-y, shocking, subversive, sarcastic, parodic, historic, slapdash, beautiful.


• All types of 2D, 3D and motion media are welcome. Site-specific installations and performances also considered.

• Free to enter.

• Please provide hi-res (300dpi or set digital camera at the largest image size) jpegs for 2 and 3D art as email attachments. An exhibition catalog will be published so print-ready images are needed up-front. Images should be titled artistname-title.jpg.

• Send video URL(s) for motion media.

• Installations and performance proposals should be as detailed as possible (photos/sketches/storyboards where applicable, written project description, etc.).

• All entries must include artist name, title of work(s), price if applicable (otherwise mark N/A or NFS), email address, phone number (we promise to contact you via email, this is just in case accepted artists need to be contacted urgently), website (you can provide your social, photo or art networking site if you don’t have your own URL).

• Work available for sale will be split 75% between the artist and 25% to the gallery. If your work is not for sale, please mark it NFS. Artist payments for sold work will be issued via PayPal or check.

• If you are not able to deliver/pick up unsold artwork in person, you must make your own shipping arrangements to and from Austin. Shipping/mailing address will be provided upon acceptance to exhibition.

• Incomplete entries may not be considered.

How to Enter:

A maximum of 3 works may be sent to Rachelle Díaz, Project Coordinator, at The kind folks at Wardenclyffe also have an online submission form, so if you'd rather go that route, visit:
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