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From the Archives: William Pope.L in Houston

From the Archives: William Pope.L in Houston

William Pope.L, Foraging (asphixia version), 2008, Digital C-Print   It was 2003 and “William Pope.L’s: eRacism was on view at Houston’s DiverseWorks as part of a national exhibition tour (also presented at Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine and Portland Institute of Contemporary Art in Portland, Oregon, and later [...]

David Politzer, "Restless," 2012, Single Channel Video TRT: 6:40 min.

David Politzer at the Houston Center for Photography and Lawndale Art Center

David Politzer’s new series When You’re Out There debuts in two parts this month at the Houston Center for Photography and Lawndale Art Center. In both shows, Politzer plays with the tension between two environments that are—as he quietly points out—awkwardly united. The works deftly mediate the gap between nature and the space it occupies [...]

Houston Museum of Natural Science Unveils Bristly Triceratops Skin and Rare Three-Fingered T-Rex in New $85 Million Dino-Den

Houston Museum of Natural Science Unveils Bristly Triceratops Skin and Rare Three-Fingered T-Rex in New $85 Million Dino-Den

On June 2, one of the better paleontology halls  in the country gets even better. Get this: the new installation includes 30 dinosaurs and large mammals in “action” poses, a real-bone T. rex with patches of original skin; touchable, fossilized dinosaur skin that allows you to pet a dinosaur; Quetzalcoatlus, an ancient pterosaur bigger than [...]