Virginia Billeaud Anderson Interviews Houston Artists on Boyd’s Blog, Ken Price Chimes In

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Emily Sloan, Is that a Baby Ruth in the Swimming Pool? Performance at Darke Gallery, 2012

The Great God Pan Is Dead  blog has two exceptionally interesting pieces on Houston artists by Virginia Billeaud Anderson. She interviews Performance artist Emily Sloan about her repressed childhood, in the wake of her Funeral for the Living event on New Year’s Day at 14 Pews, and talks to Lynet McDonald about her upcoming show, Intensity, at Redbud Gallery. Sandwiched in between the two is blog proprietor Robert Boyd’s  brief repost of Ken Price’s maxim against artist statements, worth re-reposting here:

“As far as I’m concerned, the explaining artist puts himself or herself in front of the work for the purpose of destroying the mystery of how it came into being. Borges said, “Rational explanation destroys the faith that art requires of us.” That’s for the viewers. For the artists, I think we need to have faith that the art experience can take place between the viewer and the work itself.” From “Ken Price: A Talk With Slides,” Chinati Foundation Newsletter, October, 2005.

2 responses to “Virginia Billeaud Anderson Interviews Houston Artists on Boyd’s Blog, Ken Price Chimes In”

  1. Slow news day?

  2. (But seriously, thanks.)

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