Author: Rachel Hooper


Thirty Seconds

The average viewer spends around thirty seconds in front of an artwork. Seems unjust considering how long the artist likely spent making the thing. But I will admit that my first visit to any exhibition is spent quickly looking over every artwork, and there is something to be said for works that grab my eye [...]

Lane Hagood at David Shelton

Drawings!: My Favorites From Houston 2012

There has been a lot of excitement about painting in Houston this year, with Aaron Parazette’s In Plain Sight at McClain Gallery and a big exhibition planned for the CAMH’s 65th anniversary. But what about good old drawing? Often more humble and imaginatively evocative than painting, there have been some outstanding drawings shown in Houston [...]

Eric Zimmerman at Art Palace

Houston to San Antonio

We arrived at Blue Star Thursday night to a performance of Justin Randolph Thompson’s Tossin’ the Rag as part of his exhibition Meet Me in the Bottoms. A rag doll was being thrown in the air from a blanket while the artist performed with a group of collaborators. They were accompanied by a small band facing [...]

Benjamin H. McVey, "The Joke Is Not On You, No. 1 of 5" (edition of 5), wood and plastic, 2012

Sustainable Practice: Paul Middendorf

Paul Middendorf came to Houston for the first time as curator of the 2010 Big Show at Lawndale Art Center. He was impressed with the city and set up a series of ongoing artistic exchanges under the auspices of a non-profit he has run out of Portland, Oregon since 2005, galleryHOMELAND. Now he has opened [...]

Paul Middendorf, Photo: Gary Middendorf

Pan Art Fair

Last year, the Houston art fairs were the talk of the town, and most people were dubious that two fairs would be able to survive. Well, not only did both return this year, but a third satellite project has been added– The Pan Art Fair. Organized by Robert Boyd, author of the blog The Great [...]

Pan Art Fair, Photo: Robert Boyd

Eric Zimmerman: Endless Disharmony & Telltale Ashes at Art Palace

After a two-year stint in New York and Nebraska, Eric Zimmerman returns to Texas with the multi-site project Endless Disharmony & Telltale Ashes at Art Palace in Houston, The Reading Room in Dallas and online at His fragmentary integration of myths and systems of understanding with his exquisite drawing technique makes for an engrossing [...]

"Endless (Disharmony)," 2012, graphite on paper, 26 1/4 x 38 3/4 in.

Houston Fine Art Fair

I have to admit that art fairs, in general, are not my thing. They seem exhausting for everyone involved from visitors to the gallery girls working the booths. With 80 participating galleries in this year’s Houston Fine Art Fair, my eyes were glazed over after about an hour at Reliant Center, and I had a [...]

Houston Fine Art Fair

Book Review: “The Art Life” by Stuart Horodner

Stuart Horodner may be best known to those of us here in Houston as guest editor of the Art Lies issue on “second acts”—artists, curators, and writers who are deeply involved in other things such as roller derby, fishing, or soccer. True to his fascination with diverse interests, Horodner has worn many hats in his [...]

The Art Life: On Creativity and Career
Edited by Stuart Horodner, Stacie Lindner. Introduction and foreword by Stuart Horodner.

Four Solo Shows at Lawndale

Though it may still be hot and steamy outside, the fall exhibition season is almost upon us. The next several weekends in Houston look to be busy, busy with much-anticipated solo shows, blockbuster group exhibitions, and galas galore. Lawndale Art Center is ahead of the curve and has already opened four solo shows that will [...]

Compositions • Candace Hicks

Dispatches from Documenta: Part III, Can art change the world?

For Part I, click here. For Part II, click here. Why do certain artworks have such a lasting impact? To stay with me, artworks usually have to affect some kind of change in me. I believe that art can change the world by changing the way you see the world or making your experience as [...]

Etel Adnan at documenta 13

Dispatches from Documenta: Part II, At the Bahnhof

For Part I, click here. Although Christov-Bakargiev’s concepts cohere at the Fridericianum, the most memorable Documenta site is just up the hill at the Hauptbahnhof. There, amidst massive spaces that were formerly used as storage and mechanics for the train station, are some jaw dropping installations. Hronline has created an impressive interactive map that allows [...]

Haegue Yang, Approaching: Choreography Engineered in Never-Past Tense, 2012, Installation, motorized aluminum Venetian blinds, aluminum hanging structure, cable, module box, DMX recorder Dimensions variable Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) with the support of Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris; Greene Naftali, New York; Kukje Gallery, Seoul; Galerie Wien Lukatsch, Berlin.

Dispatches from Documenta: Apples and Conspiracies

Every five years, the German town of Kassel is transformed into Documenta, a sprawling, intellectual exhibition considered a must-see by curators, collectors, and critics the world around. This year, I had the opportunity to go there and see it for myself. And to be honest, I found out I had a lot of misconceptions about [...]

Fridericianum, Photo: Nils Klinger

Most Fun Volunteer Gig in Town

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to assist with the jurying of Lawndale Art Center’s annual Big Show. I have volunteered for this event for the last three years, and it has become a cherished annual ritual for me. When I arrived on Saturday, the galleries were filled with nearly a thousand artworks submitted [...]

Big Show Drop-off. Photo courtesy Lawndale Art Center

What the White Hides, It Also Reveals: David Aylsworth at Inman Gallery

David Aylsworth has debuted a subtle and beautiful new group of canvases, in which the color white carries paradoxical tensions of opaqueness and translucency, form and space, content and blankness, erasure and revelation of what lies beneath. Aylsworth’s paintings typically have globs, chunks and ridges of paint built up on their surfaces that hint at [...]

David Aylsworth, Boring From Within, 2012, oil on canvas, 14 x 30 inches

Summer exhibitions at Box 13 ArtSpace

Box 13 ArtSpace on the east side of Houston just opened their first set of summer exhibitions featuring a roster of artists from around the world. At a time when most places have stopped doing exhibitions of international artists, it is encouraging to see an artist-run space still fostering art as an global conversation, budget [...]

Summer exhibitions at Box 13 ArtSpace

Sustainable Practice: Sasha Dela

Sasha Dela moved to Houston about seven years ago as a fellow in the MFAH Core Program and quickly became an important part of the Houston art scene as a founder of SKYDIVE Art Space and regional editor of Temporary Art Review, where she recently wrote an insightful take on our city that recognized the [...]

Sasha Dela, untitled, 2012, 20 x 24 in., archival digital print

Town and Gown: U of H and Rice Exhibitions

Houston’s universities are important incubators of artistic talent, with many artists in the city having taught at and/or graduated from either the University of Houston or Rice University. But the thing with incubators is that they can be a bit isolating, which is why it is refreshing to see both schools putting forth greater efforts [...]

Sewall Hall at Rice University. Photo: Paul Hester

what is there to see?

In his written interviews, Warhol often ceded control completely to the interviewer. A prominent example of this is his most quoted interview, Gretchen Berg’s 1966 text “Andy Warhol: My True Story.” It’s popularity may be due in part to its exceptional coherence. Berg edited her questions out and wrote the whole thing as one, long [...]

what is there to see?

uh, no

The blank “uh” we hear before Andy Warhol’s responses was typical of his interview style but hardly ever appears in his published interviews as it was most likely edited out by the interviewers and/or editors. In the video above, the “uh” seems to represent a sort of passive resistance to the aggressive tone of the [...]

uh, no

The Singularity of his Absence

Statements made by artists are often regarded as the key to understanding their work. Art critics look to artists to set the theoretical framework surrounding their art; art historians use artists talking about other artists to establish chains of influences or schools of artmaking; and exhibitions use artist quotes on introductory labels or videos of [...]

The Singularity of his Absence