Landeros Opening “A Circus,” Menil to Feature Chin-Defaced Painting in Anniversary Celebration

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Culturemap attended the opening of alleged Menil vandal Uriel Landeros’ solo show Houston We Have a Problem and reported  “as far as art openings go, the party was memorable . . . right down to the free forties (liquor bottles), the particularly good DJ, the off-duty police officers and the man wearing a gigantic basket on his head.” The artist’s video presence was there, via Skype, and many of his paintings had been  painted on by local street artists (presumably with permission), improving them significantly.

Ironically, the Menil Collection, owners of Picasso’s Woman in a Red Armchair, the target of Landeros’ alleged felonious acts, will be featuring one of Mel Chin’s recent “unauthorized collaborations” in which the renowned artist, no stranger to controversy himself, cuts into other artist’s works’ to make them his own, as part of their 25th anniversary celebration!

Chin’s collaborative act “pertains to the Fall 1939 Invasion of Poland.”

10 responses to “Landeros Opening “A Circus,” Menil to Feature Chin-Defaced Painting in Anniversary Celebration”

  1. Do you consider Wayne White’s paintings to be defaced art or some early Mark Flood paintings? How do consider the difference between altering a piece of art an individual owns as opposed one belonging to someone else?

  2. “Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole”. But I guess that Uriel Landeros didn’t get the message.

  3. To me this ridiculous controversy is simple: if Senor Landeros had really intended to produce an artistic statement, he would have stood by it, literally, and not ran away like a total coward. Also, I understand that art is subjective but seriously, have you seen this guy’s attempts at art? He is painting eyeballs and peyote flowers like a 16 year old stoner. Also, he has tribal tatoos all over his shoulder.

  4. Mel chin is a faux Uriel at this point. Funny I burned “the artist ego “tonight ” …literally . Had so much fun doing it.

  5. The difference between Uriel Landeros and Tony shfazi is Uriel is free to practice his art form and didn’t turn a trick and turn himself in. Time will tell… This is his art form ,destruction as the act of creation itself is the basis of gaphitti itself .Ever been so wrong you’re right?

  6. I think I’ve said everything I need to. Let’s all agree to drop this retarded subject. Can we all agree to stop? Thank you everyone.

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