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Peter Agostini, Cage I, 1967

Under Pressure: Diagnosing Dallas’ Artistic Illness

I had an email correspondence about Dallas with a friend this week — I’ll call him Toojerstraap. You may know him. Dallas, and its particular insufficiencies – art-wise and all-wise, really — is a subject we hash out regularly, attempting to land on the sources of its problems mainly, and sometimes drafting could-be solutions to them. [...]

Patrick Turk, The Scraptacularium Presents: Experiments in Mysticism #8, 2011, collage on panel

Big Show Sneak Peek

It’s the BIG Show, the annual smorgasbord of Houston art at Lawndale Art Center! Here are a few highlights of this massive open-call hodgepodge: Patrick Turk’s work is currently on view in Collage, at the Bank of America building.        

Houston in NY: That’s Houstoun not Houston

Houston in NY: That’s Houstoun not Houston

For the next couple of months I will be in New York and will post of a few blog posts called “Houston in New York”. So let’s start it off with the difference between Houstoun and Houston. I always thought that folks in New York constantly mispronounced Houston street (pronounced How-ston). But that was because, [...]

Mirror Mirror #5: Ariel Evans and Pastelegram

Mirror Mirror #5: Ariel Evans and Pastelegram

With an economy that is closing many galleries, combining institutions, affecting artists’ practice and curtailing art publications it is encouraging to find someone willing to swim against the stream. Ariel Evans came to Texas in the fall of 2006 to start an M.A. in Art History at UT. After completing her degree she spent two [...]