Eli Walker
BRASS TACKS (Presented by SCAB)

Nov. 17 – Dec. 1, 2012

Saturday, Nov. 17, from 1:00pm- 9:pm

Homeland Security
1715 Gould St
Dallas, TX 75215

It’s been a good year for the SCAB Collective. They’ve had shows in warehouses, pools, studios, galleries in both Dallas and other cities by promoting alternative spaces and redefining the exhibition model. They’ve collaborated with many artists, institutions, curators, critics and dealers to bring contemporary and historic art to Dallas. And now they celebrate their newest venture Homeland Security with a kick-off show Brass Tacks.
Homeland Security is the home of artists Kelly Kroener and Eli Walker in the culturally rich Cedars area of South Dallas. The owners of Homeland Security will use their living room to demonstrate how the gallery space interacts with a domestic space. Their first show Brass Tacks will focus on the founding eight members of SCAB and the pieces selected for presentation will be axiomatic representations to expose the diversity among the collaborative members.
These artists explore a wide range of media including painting, sculpture, film and installation. Shared approaches toward art making such as craftsmanship, experimentation, re-appropriation, memory, place and internet culture are explored throughout each of the SCAB members. Brass Tacks attempts to lay down the unaltered staples of the artist studio practice and how it shares a dialog with the domestic setting of Homeland Security.

Artists Included:

Justin Hunter Allen
Joshua Von Ammon
Alex DiJulio
Lucy Kirkman
Kelly Kroener
Samantha McCurdy
Michael Morris
Eli Walker