Laura Lark Loves You

Laura Lark Loves You #6: Personal Best

It’s been a while. Many people have contacted me with the same question: “Doesn’t Laura Lark love me anymore?” To this I‘ve replied: “Laura Lark loves you as much as she ever did!” And I really, really mean it. I’ve had a lot going on here at home. There’s dirt out there that has ground its [...]

Thanks, Bill! You've given the phrase "All Pants Half Off!" the proper spin.

Laura Lark Loves You #5: Nagging Back Pain?

Dear Laura Lark, I’ve noticed that gallery employees give me dirty looks whenever I go into the dark recesses of the back room. What gives? Their attitude is ridiculous, and what is the difference between an art gallery and a tee shirt shop? Signed, Michelle S., Dallas Dear Michelle, When I first read your question, [...]

Laura Lark Loves You #5: Nagging Back Pain?

Laura Lark Loves You #3: Something About Mary

  Questions? Comments? Opinions? Send them to Laura Lark Loves You: (or leave your message below) Mary asks,  If you could describe and suggest a daily routine (things to read, do, act, etc) what would you suggest? Also, what type of resources (advice) would you suggest in trying to figure out how to market [...]

Now, doesn't this look fun? Doesn't it look like these ladies are going to drink Cosmos and get a pedicure? Doesn't it make you wanna file stuff?

Laura Lark Loves You #1: Hatin’ ‘n Spankin’

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Send them to: (or leave your message below) Dear Readers, Thanks for the overwhelming number of responses! In this first post, I will be addressing just two of your submissions. Not to worry, though; no one who goes to the trouble of writing will be ignored. Unless you are Josh Werminger. [...]

Laura Lark Loves You #1: Hatin’ ‘n Spankin’

Laura Lark Loves You: Art Advice Column Debut!

Laura Lark launches her new advice column: Laura Lark Loves You… “Good, good for you and a terrific distraction from that suck-ass job.” “Words so wise you’ll think we dug up Susan Sontag and propped her in front of a computer.”   Dear Glasstire Reader, Are you tired of my same old blogs and reviews [...]

Laura Lark Loves You: Art Advice Column Debut!