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Fourth annual call for proposals from artists and writers

Triple Canopy has for the past five years worked to present compelling work online in ways that make innovative use of the Web. In this time, we’ve also been charting an expanded field of publication: creating print objects and public programs that exist in dialogue with our online content, drawing on the history of print culture while also acting as a hub for exploration of emerging forms of technology and the public spaces constituted around them.

For our fourth annual call for proposals we wish to intensify our work in a variety of offline forms of print publication and public programming. We are interested in forging connections between books, manuscripts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, among other forms, and our online publishing practice. We believe that a publishing model that engages both real-world and Web-based audiences can prompt artists and writers to develop work that is deeply considered and formally inventive.

For our 2013 call, we invite artists and writers to submit proposals for projects that may not find their primary realization on the Web, but which may ultimately be published in some form in Triple Canopy's online magazine. The following list, by no means exhaustive, enumerates some of the initial forms such projects might take:

• Print broadsheet or pamphlet
• Print poster
• Book or e-book
• Public lecture or seminar
• Performance
• Reading
• Screening
• Exhibition or installation

Triple Canopy is looking for artists and writers with coherent proposals for projects that can be realized in one year or less. We are, as ever, in search of work that makes innovative, persuasive use of its own form and medium. While past publication or experience is not a prerequisite, successful applicants will demonstrate fluency in the field in which they wish to publish. Triple Canopy prioritizes work by emerging artists and writers working in the fields of visual art and literature, broadly defined; we appreciate work that takes into account current discussions and debates but is not bound by them, work that is carefully crafted but not fixated on form.

Applications are due by midnight on Monday, February 11, 2013.
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