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Call for Applications--Artist Foundation of San Antonio

The Artist Foundation of San Antonio (AF) has issued its open call for 2012 award applications. The deadline to apply is Monday, November 19. Up to eleven $5,000 awards will be made in the categories of Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Literary Arts, Media Arts, Classical Singing, Set Design and Costume Design. Interested artists can find additional details and apply online at or write to for more information. Awards will be announced in early January, 2013.

The purpose of the Artist Foundation is to identify, recognize and award outstanding San Antonio and Bexar County artists across a broad range of artistic disciplines.

About the Artist Foundation of San Antonio:

The goals of the Artist Foundation include not only identifying outstanding area artists through a juried process and granting them monetary awards, but also raising awareness about the vast artistic talent in our community. The Artist Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It is supported in part by The Cultural Collaborative of the City of San Antonio, The Tobin Endowment, The Tobin Theatre Arts Fund, the estate of George Cortes, Lifshutz Foundation, The Liberto Family, and Graham Weston.

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