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Florida's Art in State Buildings Program - Call to Artists. USA.

Site for Artwork

The neutral color scheme of the conference center’s lobby is intended to provide visitors with a restful and calming space but the Art Selection Committee believes that a more dynamic and welcoming atmosphere for visitors can be achieved by the installation of a large, high-impact, signature artwork on the east wall below the two clerestory windows and above the doors to the employee lounge and the conference center. This area is 11 feet high and 31 feet wide.

Because the conference center will only be a small, single-story wing added to the existing larger facility, the artwork budget is also relatively small. The Committee realizes that the limited budget also limits their media choices, so they have decided that photographic artwork printed on large canvas or acrylic panel(s) is the best way to achieve their desire for a high-impact artwork in that space.

The Committee is open to any subject matter or theme that is appropriate to this kind of public space: landscape, genre, abstract, etc. They are also open to various size and hanging options. Some possible options: artists may produce artwork that addresses most of the area or fills only some of it; they could create one large horizontal artwork or they may choose to offer a series of works; they may choose to apply their panel or panels to the wall like wallpaper or they could use other hanging methods like stretchers. Artists should indicate their preferred method(s) in their Statement.

The Committee will select one or more images from those submitted and work with the selected artist to finalize any size and/or hanging options.

NOTE: The art budget must cover all of the artist’s costs, including materials, printing, installation, and photo-documentation of the finished work.


Participating artists must have reached a certain level of expertise and recognition in their medium. Their resumes should illustrate that they have met two of the following criteria:

the artist's works are included in private, public, corporate or museum collections;
the artist has received awards, grants or fellowships;
the artist has completed other public commissions on a similar scale;
the artist has participated in exhibitions at major museums or galleries.
Required Submission Materials

A brief Letter of Interest that explains how the submitted images relate to the project requirements and how your work fits the project.

A current professional resume, emphasizing public art experience, public collections and public commissions.

NOTE: ASB projects ONLY accept digital images.

Send a minimum of 10 & maximum of 20 digital images. Write the artist's name & the project name on the CD and/or label digital files as such. Images should be in .JPG format with a minimum resolution of approximately 800x600 pixels.

The filename of each image must match the following format:

first the artist's last name,
then the corresponding image number on the ID Sheet and
finally the artwork title (use representative words of a long title). If the image is a "detail," please indicate that as well.
Example: Smith_08_PinkHeron_det.jpg

Note: The first five artworks presented will receive initial review. Provide the committee with details/close-ups of large or complex artworks.

Because the initial review is a "blind" review, no identifiying information should appear on the images. Any masking/borders should be black, not white. Artwork with sound or motion may be submitted as Quicktime files.

ID Sheet
Include an image identification page(s) that provides, for each submitted image,

thumbnail image of the work,
image number,
title of work,
date of work and
price of work or amount of commission.
The ID Sheet must be headed with the specific project name (and number, if provided), and the artist's name, address, phone number and email address.

The ASB Program at Brevard CHD does not accept PowerPoint presentations or digitally watermarked images. Images should not have the name of the artist added to them digitally. Any image that emphasizes the artist's name will not be presented to the committee.
Mail Submissions for This Project to:

ASB / Brevard CHD Expansion
Division of Cultural Affairs
500 S Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250

NOTE: This project has three digital submission options:
Artists may send digital images on a CD to the above mailing address or they may email materials digitally as a .zip file or use a file sharing website and send to

Send Express Entries to:

ASB / Brevard CHD Expansion
Brokaw McDougal House
329 N Meridian Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Project Inquiries:

Lee Modica
Program Manager

Check for information posted by other public art programs in our resources section under opportunities.

See Call to Artists submission instructions.

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