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La Petite Escalère International Residency Program: call for applications

Call for applications:
International Residency Program

Spring 2013 | Visual artists
Application Deadline: October 15, 2012

La Petite Escalère | Sculpture Garden

Application details and download

La Petite Escalère is now accepting applications for its Spring 2013 residency program for international visual artists.

About the program
LPE offers two residencies each year, one in the spring and one in the fall, each time hosting a single artist (two artists if developing a collaborative project) for a minimum of 1 week (2 for international artists) and up to 4 weeks at a time.
This program provides its residents with the opportunity to develop a specific project or pursue personal research in an unique setting and offers full accommodations, a weekly stipend and transportation to and from LPE.

LPE's history, collection and landscape naturally bring up artistic practices that question and involve notions of landscape, nature, and their connections with the visual arts. But the residencies are not exclusively limited to those inquiries and are open to investigation of a wide range of concerns, hopefully giving rise to new ideas, approaches and creations based on a free, open and personal dialogue with LPE, its territory and heritage.

A publication documenting the residencies and conceived in collaboration with the residents is published and distributed by LPE each year.
No production is required at the end of the residency. Each resident is free of his/her time and work during his/her stay at LPE. But he or she agrees to dedicate half a day per week of residency to education programs, meeting and sharing with different groups around their work and experience.

To read more about the program, view past residencies, and download the application form please click here.

NB: The Spring 2013 residency is limited to visual artists applicants. Applications from other disciplines will not be accepted. For information about upcoming residencies, please check our website.

Selection process
Residents are selected by LPE's Board, together with an artistic committee comprised of distinguished art professionals, artists and intellectuals.

Criterions for acceptance are artistic excellence and commitment, affinity with LPE's missions and concerns, and the ability to speak French, English or Spanish in order to facilitate the resident's stay at LPE and the outreach and education programs around his/her work.

Two categories of artists will be more specifically considered:

On one hand emerging artists for whom such an experience would contribute to career development.
On the other, established artists for whom LPE can offer a fresh approach to nature and sculpture.


Spring Residency 2013: April 29–June 30, 2013
Application deadline: October 15, 2012
Interview with pre-selected candidates: before December 15, 2012
Final notification: no later than January 15, 2013

About LPE
Located in the Southwest of France, on the banks of the Adour River, La Petite Escalère covers approximately 70 acres of marshland, meadows and wooded areas, and is host to more than 50 sculptures by renowned modern and contemporary artists.

Unique dialogue between sculptures and nature, LPE has become a platform dedicated to creation, research and exchange around art, landscape and environment.
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