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Category: Arty stuff to do


Come for some great fun treasure-hunting at this amazing must-see-to-believe estate sale located in a 10,000-sq-ft. artsy warehouse/residence just north...
Total views: 298

Fri. Sept. 21 7pm @ Rothko Chapel: Just Oneness lecture by Master Miao Tsan

Venerable Master Miao Tsan, the founder and abbot of Vairocana Zen Monastery in Garden Grove California, will give a talk...
Total views: 69

Sat. Sept 15: Museum District Day @ Rothko Chapel, feat. John Lane on Percussion

The Rothko Chapel will present John Lane, PhD, on percussion in a piece called Landscape Scrolls composed for him by...
Total views: 72

Sun. Sept. 9 3pm: Eric Weiner on His Life Changing Spiritual Journey at the Rothko Chapel

Author and journalist Eric Weiner launches the Rothko Chapel’s 2012-2013 season of public programs by sharing personal thoughts that compelled...
Total views: 56

Wed. Sept. 5: Twelve Moments of Spirituality and Healing at the Rothko Chapel

Ange Finn will lead participants in an experiential "tapping meditation," using acupressure desensitization known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Participants...
Total views: 65

Mon. Sept. 3: Free Day of Yoga at Rothko Chapel

The Houston yoga community will celebrate the Seventh Annual Houston Free Day of Yoga this Labor Day on the Rothko...
Total views: 100

Wed. August 29, 7pm: Rothko Chapel Book Club

The Rothko Chapel is excited to launch its Book Club featuring local author Claudia Kolker, an award winning journalist and...
Total views: 61

Sunday, August 26, 7pm at Rothko Chapel: Poet Javier Sicilia on the US/Mexico Drug War

The Rothko Chapel in collaboration with the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity present A Call to Conscience: Poet...
Total views: 68

Glassell Junior School at MFAH Announces Fall Classes - open registration is available through Sept. 19

Glassell Junior School at MFAH Announces Fall Classes Students may enroll through September 19, 2012 What The Glassell Junior School...
Total views: 232

It's McCheek's Academy's 3rd Birthday!

Happy Birthday to us!!! Its been three years already! Wow, time flies when you're having fun! Thanks for your continued...
Total views: 113

OMGrace! Art Preview Party

The OMGrace! Preview Party is your opportunity to view the featured items of the Fall Benefit auction. Twenty-six works of...
Total views: 152

Get Your Tickets for La Dolce Vita 2012!

Don't miss your chance to enjoy a lakeside evening under the stars with Austin's best in food and wine. La...
Total views: 125

A Call to Conscience: Poet Javier Sicilia on the US/Mexico Drug War

Collaboration with the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity Sunday, August 26, 7pm Suggested donation $10 To RSVP, please...
Total views: 65

A Room With A View - Art Auction & Happy Hour

A Room with a View is a Happy Hour and Art Auction that gives artists an opportunity to showcase their...
Total views: 108

Volunteer at Lawndale during our 25th Annual Día de los Muertos events!

Summer is winding down, and we are preparing for our 25th Annual Día de los Muertos events at Lawndale! We...
Total views: 99
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