
DOWNLOAD Mathematica Notebook Hexagon

A hexagon is a six-sided polygon.

The inradius r, circumradius R, sagitta s, and area A of a regular hexagon can be computed directly from the formulas for a general regular polygon with side length a and n=6 sides,


Therefore, for a regular hexagon,




In proposition IV.15, Euclid showed how to inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle. To construct a regular hexagon with a compass and straightedge, draw an initial circle A. Picking any point on the circle as the center, draw another circle B of the same radius. From the two points of intersection, draw circles C and D. Finally, draw E centered on the intersection of circles A and C. The six circle-circle intersections then determine the vertices of a regular hexagon.

A plane perpendicular to a C_3 axis of a cube (Gardner 1960; Holden 1991, p. 23), octahedron (Holden 1991, pp. 22-23), and dodecahedron (Holden 1991, pp. 26-27) cut these solids in a regular hexagonal cross section. For the cube, the plane passes through the midpoints of opposite sides (Steinhaus 1999, p. 170; Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 157; Holden 1991, pp. 22-23). Since there are four such axes for the cube and octahedron, there are four possible hexagonal cross sections. A hexagon is also obtained when the cube is viewed from above a corner along the extension of a space diagonal (Steinhaus 1999, p. 170).


Take seven circles and close-pack them together in a hexagonal arrangement. The perimeter obtained by wrapping a band around the circle then consists of six straight segments of length d (where d is the diameter) and 6 arcs, each with length 1/6 of a circle. The perimeter is therefore


Given an arbitrary hexagon, take each three consecutive vertices, and mark the fourth point of the parallelogram sharing these three vertices. Taking alternate points then gives two congruent triangles, as illustrated above (Wells 1991).


Given an arbitrary hexagon, connecting the centroids of each consecutive three sides gives a hexagon with equal and parallel sides known as the centroid hexagon (Wells 1991).

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