Olympic Update From London: Minute Texas Art Connection Unearthed

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Ex-Houston artist Duncan Ganley will be taking part in the televised Olympic opening ceremony. Although all details of the  elaborate show, months in the planning, are subject to a strict omerta, it has been revealed that Ganley will be one of many people wearing hats, to the left of the giant bell, after the simulated rain shower with real sheep and geese, and Kenneth Branagh’s Shakespeare reading, doing something that may or may not be eligible for the Guiness Book of Records. The spectacle is set to be broadcast at 9 p.m. London time, or 2 p.m. in Texas.

Danny Boyle, Artistic Director of the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony, said: ‘Our Isles of Wonder salutes and celebrates the exuberant creativity of the British genius in an Opening Ceremony that we hope will be as unpredictable and inventive as the British people.’

Oh, and it’s already raining!

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