tinyDallas has a new home

Friends, it’s official. tinyDallas is now D Moms Daily.

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be automatically redirecting you guys to the new site, but in the meantime, bookmark moms.dmagazine.com so you don’t miss a thing.

We’ve also launched a D Moms site on Pinterest, and (in perhaps the most exciting news) D Moms magazine will be on newsstands next Thursday, September 20th. That’s a sneak peek of our cover above… Suffice to say, I’m pretty darn excited!

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Liquid Gold

If you had tried to tell me this time last year that I’d be slathering oil on my person morning and night, with abandon, I would have called you a liar (wait that’s harsh, I would have probably just said you were crazy, nicer yes?). Being possessed of oily skin, the idea of slathering on more of the stuff seemed downright inane. But after reading rave reviews from all manner of beauty expert claiming that oil does not beget oil, I, very tentatively, dipped my toe in the slick stuff. Within a week, I was hooked, addicted, sold.

Cut to one year later and I’m apologizing to you, profusely, as I am firmly in the midst of a major ”oil moment”… I’m even slathering the girlies with oil (much to their chagrin). It’s a family affair.

Herewith my current oil arsenal:

For face: In the morning, I press a few drops of One Love Organics Morning Glory into my visage. The stuff smells amazing and makes me look at glowy (not greasy) and bright and awake. I am addicted. I’ve yet to find it locally, so I’ve been buying it online. At night, I up the oil ante by dabbing some Seabuckthrorn oil (procured at the Whole Foods) around my eye area. My skin has never been happier, truly.

For body: I toggle back and forth between La Tourangelle grapeseed oil from, wait for it…the cooking aisle at the Whole Foods (the lovely and amazing Kayli House who appears in our inaugural issue of D Moms turned me on to this genius trick) and, when I’m feeling especially swish, Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil.

What say you friends, are you on the oil bandwagon? If so, what do you use?

Posted in Beauty, Finds | 1 Comment

A High Design Organizer On The Cheap

In my dreams, a Dorothee Becker Uten.Silo wall organizer (above) is hanging in the girlies’ room, in all its iconic, German- designed glory, housing their pencils and markers and hair clips and errant plastic toys and all the other assorted flotsam and jestam of childhood.

But there’s the matter of paying for ballet lessons and volleyball uniforms and, well, you know…a college fund.

So in my reality, I planning to snap up one of Land of Nod’s “I Could’ve Bin a Container (Wall Organizer)“. It’s not the real deal, but I’m thinking it will do the job. Plus, at $49 a pop, I can swing one for each girl (read: no arguing) and still have cash on the table for higher education.

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Tiny Loves: Stella McCartney Kids

I’m pretty smitten with the cuteness that is the Stella McCartney Kids blog. With lots of fun animations, cool crafts, and sweet photos, it’s major eye candy. Take a peek.

P.S. I’m also rather smitten with the Sunbeam Little Miss Stella sweatshirt. Millie would rock this action. Just sayin’.

Posted in Fashion, Finds, Shops, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Moms We Love: Kristi Redman

Who she is: Photog extraordinaire, half of husband/wife team behind D Magazine’s Style Sheet, and mom of six-month-old Rennie.

Why we love her: She’s insanely talented and one of the kindest people we’ve ever met. Truly.

Herewith a peek into Kristi’s world…Enjoy!

Always in your handbag: Black Sharpie (not sure why), Pellegrino, Tom Ford black eye pencil (be warned: you might feel like you’ve been maced when you accidentally rub your eyes at 3 am, but worth every bit of having anything Tom Ford on your face), Steiff’s Kleiner Floppy Lamm aka Rennie’s ‘Magic Lamb’, unnecessarily excessive wardrobe options for Rennie.

On heavy rotation: Juicy by Notorious B.I.G., Mr. Brown by Bob Marley, Oddity by Zwicker, Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads, Suffragette City by David Bowie.

On your nightstand: Paris Vogue March 2011(C.R.’s last issue;), Paris Vogue Collections Fall/Winter 2012, D.V. by Diana Vreeland, Coco Mademoiselle, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.

Your “uniform”: My beloved, 2011 investment piece, and two-time StyleSheet-worthy, Roberto Cavalli suede boots, Rag & Bone distressed jeans, and Michael Kors black featherweight cashmere top. For parties: anything head-to-toe black or head-to-toe champagne color.

Your go-to restaurant for family dinner/for date night: For Family: Rise nº1 is our absolute favorite and perfect with Rennie because she loves the tree lights and the vast selection of pop-up books!

Adult Time: Backgammon, dinner, and a movie. Scot makes the most incredible feasts at home! Last time it was roast beef and yorkshire pudding with carrots and potatoes, a bottle (or two) of Malbec, and we watched (most of) The Longest Day.

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Counting with The Bard

Audrey and I were on a bit of a mother/daughter date yesterday, involving some school clothes shopping, a little fro yo, and a pop into the Barnes and Noble, when we happened across the cutest baby book…of all time.

Behold Romeo & Juliet: A BabyLit Board Book by Jennifer Adams and Alison Oliver.

Sadly my girlies are both a too old for this bit-o-cuteness, but my sister Jennifer just had a new baby girl (welcome to the world sweet Macie), so I have the perfect excuse to buy it.

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Calling All Tiny Revolutionaries

(Photo by David Schechter.)

This Sunday The Reading Room gallery is hosting “The Yankee Doodles Sing-A-Lot Sing-A-Long,” featuring American Revolutionary era songs and action rhymes . Then after the music, the lovely folks from Oil and Cotton will be leading the kiddos (and grown-ups) in making their own personal flag or banner. Selected artwork from summer classes at Oil and Cotton will also be on display.

Come sing along and bring all tiny patriots and future revolutionaries for this clever back to school program.

I can’t think of a better way to spend a hot Sunday afternoon. Who’s with me?

The Yankee Doodles Sing-A-Lot Sing-A-Long
Sunday, August 19
4:00-6:00 p.m.
The Reading Room
3715 Parry Avenue

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D Moms…The Magazine

Our four day Marfa adventure (think: rooftop star gazing, Dan Falvin light sculpture frolicking, afternoon naps during afternoon rainstorms, margarita swilling, bike riding, icy spring swimming…) turned out to be the was the perfect recharge for the sort of lovely chaos I currently find myself in.

Today is day three of our 2 week “ship” period for the new D Moms magazine (!!!), when we essentially pull together every. single. page. before we send it off to the printer.

To say that I am excited about this enterprise would be a vast understatement. Creating this new publication with my amazingly creative colleagues is akin to birthing a third baby. I am equal parts exhilarated and exhausted. But mostly I just can’t wait to share the end product with you guys!

It hits newsstands on October 1st… Stay tuned.

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Marfa Adventures

We’re off at the crack of dawn tomorrow to take the girlies on a little adventure to Marfa. This is the second year we’ve made this trek in August, and it’s become a pilgrimage of sorts. The eight hour drive, vast, wide-open West Texas desert landscape, magical star-filled sky, and, well…quiet of the place, make it a perfect spot to transition from lazy (for the most part) summer days to the bustle of the school year.

People have asked us what the heck we do in Marfa with kids. (I’ll admit, it isn’t the most obvious of choices for a family vacation.) My answer: not a whole lot…which is only partially true. We visit friends, marvel at Donald Judd’s pristine metal cubes and Dan Flavin’s neon light wonders. We wake up early to look for flattened pennies on the train tracks and then linger over Eggs Benedict and good coffee at Cochineal while the girlies play with other diner’s dogs. We ride our bikes down the middle of deserted streets at night and eat (really) good pizza and get ice cream cones from the laundry mat. If we crave a little escape from town, we drive to Balmorea and swim in the icy cold spring fed pool.

But, most important, the four of us come home rested, closer, and wholly recharged.

If you want to do the same, I’ve created a little Marfa guide for your planning pleasure after the jump. Continue reading

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Sweet Firefly’s Crazy Good Ice Cream

Image via Sweet Firefly

Our friends Tim and Julie came over for dinner Saturday night toting some of the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted. Truly. It was homemade goodness from Richardson’s Sweet Firefly… one container of chocolate and one of sea salt to be exact.

It is some crazy yummy stuff. And given that it’s going to be in the triple digits again today, I’m thinking you have the perfect excuse to go get a scoop (or two), yes?

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