The Art Guys®

12 Events

The Art Guys
1983-2013: Thirty Years of Collaboration, Commitment, Confustion

"Ideas won't keep. Something must be done about them." - Alfred North Whitehead

12 Events is a series public events executed by The Art Guys at various locations throughout Houston over the course of the year 2013.  
12 Events
consists of 12 separate and distinct events, one for each month.  
12 Events are selections from unrealized works by The Art Guys of varying length and complexity.  
12 Events are unspectacular spectacles: elaborately unordinary life gestures.  
12 Events continues The Art Guys interest in a "direct-to-the-public" and accessible approach to experiencing art outside the established institutional framework.
12 Events
is designed to engage the widest possible audience by utilizing various media. The Art Guys engage the media because the media engages the public.
12 Events is presented in celebration of thirty years of The Art Guys' collaboration.

press release


Signing Ceremony

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
11:00 am until 7:00 pm
Houston Metropolitan Research Center (HMRC)
Julia Ideson Building
Houston Public Library
500 McKinney
Houston, Texas 77002

Houston Public Library Events

The Art Guys will spend 8 hours signing their name in a public signing ceremony.  A drawing will be produced by this event using 101 ceremonial pencils.
"Signing Ceremony" is presented in collaboration with the Houston Public Library.
"Signing Ceremony" is presented on National Handwriting Day.


The Longest Street In Houston

Time/date/location: Little York Street, Houston, Texas; time and date TBD

Description: - Beginning at the farthest east end of Little York Road at Mesa Drive in Houston and proceeding west past Fry Road,
The Art Guys will walk the entire length of Little York Road, the longest street in Houston.*
What is the longest street in Houston?

*The Art Guys will conclude their walk where Little York Road ends a few blocks west of Fry Road just past Hemmenway Elementary School at 20400 West Little York Road in Katy, Texas.
The distance is approximately 29.6 miles.


Cardinal Points

Time/date/location: TBD

Description: - - The Art Guys select something gathered from the cardinal points of Houston (the extreme north, south, east, west street locations)
and displace this material around in a counter clockwise fashion.


Symphony No. 1 For The Ship Channel

Time/date/location: Houston Ship Channel, noon-1:00 p.m., location/date TBD

Description: -   Beginning at noon at the Houston Ship Channel (date and exact location TBD) The Art Guys will conduct the sounds of the Houston Ship Channel.


A Length of String

Time/date/location: TBD

Description: - In 1983, The Art Guys bought a spool a string thinking that this string would be useful for many applications and projects.   Since that time, this spool of string has remained virtually unused.   Beginning at 9:00 a.m. (date and location to be announced), The Art Guys will unravel this spool of string by walking. After the spool of string has been completely unwound, The Art Guys will reverse their tracks and rewind the string back onto its spool.


Shake Hands With The Art Guys

Time/date/location: June 27, 2013 (time/location TBD)

Description: - The Art Guys will make themselves available to anyone who wishes to shake their hands beginning at 8:00 a.m. and concluding at 5:00 p.m. (The Art Guys will take 3 breaks during the event: at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m for 15 minutes each; and one lunch break for 30 minutes beginning at noon.) Shake Hands With The Art Guys will be presented in a public, pedestrian location so that anyone may participate. Shake Hands With The Art Guys will be presented on National Handshake Day.


Never Not Funny

Time/date/location: TBD

Description: - The Art Guys will tell jokes for 8 hours.


Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Time/date/location: throughout downtown Houston, time/date TBD

Description: - The Art Guys will construct portable fences around themselves and wander through downtown Houston.



Time/date/location: intersection of Westheimer and Hillcroft, Houston, Texas; 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; date TBD

Description: - The Art Guys will traverse the busiest street intersection in Houston for 8 hours - 4 hours clockwise, 4 hours counter clockwise.


There Ought To Be A Law

Time/date/location: City Council Chambers, Houston,

Description: - The Art Guys will suggest new laws that they think should be passed in Houston by making a presentation to the City Council of Houston.



Time/date/location: I-610 loop around Houston, Texas. Time/date TBD

Description: - The Art Guys will rent a van or bus, hire drivers, and drive the I-610 loop around Houston for 24 hours - 12 hours in one direction, then 12 hours in the opposite direction.   While in transit, The Art Guys will make themselves available to all media to share the experience with as wide an audience as possible. Audiences may follow The Art Guys via Facebook.


The Art Guys Agree On Painting, Again, This Time From Thirty Feet Up

Time/date/location: TBD

Description: The Art Guys Agree On Painting (Again. This Time From Thirty Feet Up.) is an elaborate recreation of the very first Art Guys piece wherein Jack and Mike stuck their hands in buckets of paint, shook hands over a piece of paper, and declared themselves "The Art Guys." In The Art Guys Agree On Painting, Again, This Time From Thirty Feet Up, The Art Guys while atop cranes30 feet above the ground, will dip their hands in buckets of paint and shake hands.   A painting will be created by this event.


All materials copyright© The Art Guys ®. Unauthorized use prohibited.