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Crossing his fingers that the DMA soap bubble won't pop!

DMA Leonardo Bid Rejected, But Let’s All Think About the Art of the Possible At the DMA Anyway

Michael Granberry reports in the Dallas Morning News that the DMA isn’t going to get the expensive Leonardo after all; (insert sigh, with relief, or disappointment, depending.) WHAT NOW?- it’s clear that the museum has, potentially, access to several tens of millions of dollars to acquire art, if donors think it’s worth it. Certainly enough, [...]

Cover of the 1958 issue of Escuela del Sur, Montevideo

Beyond Constructed Dialogues

Constructivism in Latin America provided fertile ground for a plethora of different movements, proposals and ideas from the 1930s onward as seen in Constructed Dialogues: Concrete, Geometric, and Kinetic Art from the Latin American Art Collection, currently on view at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (only until January 6, 2013). The rich traditions of [...]