2013 Texas Biennial Announces 5th Roundup of Texas Artists: Submit Now!

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The organizers of the 2013 Texas Biennial invite all artists living and working in Texas to submit their stuff from now until February 28 for possible inclusion in the latest, 5th, edition of the sprawling, multi-city showcase. The Texas Biennial will take place September 5 – November 9,  with exhibitions in Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Marfa. The central open-call survey show will be presented at Blue Star Contemporary Art Center in San Antonio, with selected performances during the run of the exhibition at CentralTrak in Dallas.

Additionally, a specially commissioned Biennial artist project will be presented by Ballroom Marfa, Lawndale Art Center in Houston and Big Medium in Austin will also host exhibitions of current work by selected past Biennial artists from August 23 – September 28.

2 responses to “2013 Texas Biennial Announces 5th Roundup of Texas Artists: Submit Now!”

  1. Additionally the Art Museum of South Texas will exhibit Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Art Faculty Selected Works
    October 18, 2013 – January 5, 2014 Upper Gallery, Philip Johnson Building

    This is a curated exhibition of works in all media by full-time faculty of the Art Department at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. A publication will accompany the exhibition. Participating faculty include Jack Gron, Art Department Chairman; Greg Reuter; Barbra Riley; Amber Scoon; Louis Katz; Joe Pena; Ryan O’Malley; Amanda Garcia, Graphic Design Instructor; and Dr. Carey Rote, Art Historian.

  2. Hi Ya’ll — Deborah is referring to the fact that arts organizations all across the state are again being invited to participate in the Biennial’s celebration of contemporary art in Texas by highlighting their own programming focused on Texas-produced art. In 2011, over 60 arts organizations participated, from the most established museums to alternative spaces run by art collectives. We’ve sent out a call for participation and would love for everyone to join! We are proud to be a part of a vibrant arts community and look forward to helping to increase awareness of the great work being done (artistically, and in terms of programming).

    You’ll find more information at our new website, http://www.texasbiennial.org, or email Anastasia Colombo, colombo [at] texasbiennial.org.

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