
Carroll Baker Profile

Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker
Photo of Carroll Baker
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28 May 31 is born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, of Polish-American descent to William Watson Baker, a traveling salesman, and his wife Virginia
c. 37 her sister Virginia, "Boopie," is born
39 her parents separate. She moves with her mother and sister to Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania.
? attends Greensburg High in Greensburg, Pennsylvania
? Johnny Cook becomes her high school sweetheart
? moves in with her mother, sister and stepfather, who live in St. Petersburg, Florida
? attends St. Pete Junior College in St. Petersburg for a few months
? debuts as a tap dancer at the local Lions Club
? drops out of college and is booked as a dancer all over Florida
49 is crowned "Miss Florida Fruits and Vegetables"
c. summer 50 dancing at the International Brotherhood of Magicians Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, she meets the Great Volta, who books her as his assistant with the Kemp Time Vaudeville Circuit
? goes to New York
? is hired as a weather girl by Channel 9 Television
August 52 rooms in an apartment on Foley Street in Flushing, Queens
? during an assignment as a chorus girl in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, the headliner of the show recommends her to Louis Ritter, owner of New York's Weylin Hotel and asks Ritter if she could stay at the Weylin free of charge
? moves in at Madison Avenue's Weylin, where Ritter showers her with clothes, furs and jewels
? on the Super Chief, she and Ritter travel to California, where he arranges for her first screen test by Joe Pasternak and gets her a small part in MGM's Easy to Love by bribing the film crew with furs
January 53 films her brief appearance in Easy to Love in one hour on one afternoon
marries Czechoslovakia-born Louis R. Ritter in Montreal; Canada. He's about 54; she's 21. The ceremony is performed by a justice of the peace. Ritter, co-founder of New York's renowned furriers Ritter Brothers, Inc., retired from the concern in 1944, going into real-estate, buying and selling hotels like the Weylin and the Paramount. Ritter was married five times previously; his son was killed in World War II.
? she and Ritter reside at 945 Fifth Avenue
August 53 ? gets a Mexican divorce from Ritter, who will remarry and die unexpectedly during a pleasure trip to France at a Nice hospital in July 1958 at age 59
? is in the Broadway flop Escapade
53 enrolls at the Actor's Studio and falls in love with fellow student Jack Garfein
4 February 54 demonstrates the use of the wing-like doors of the Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing coupe at the third Annual International Motor Sports Show at the Seventh Regent Armory in New York City
? during stage rehearsals for A Hatful of Rain at the Actor's Studio, she has a torrid affair with her co-star, Ben Gazzara
3 April 55 marries Czechoslovakia-born Jack Garfein in a Jewish ceremony at the New York apartment of Paula and Lee Strasberg. He's 24; she's 23. He's a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. His mother and sister were sent to the crematoriums.
5 April 55 is off to Hollywood to test for George Stevens' upcoming Giant
May 55 columnist Louella Parsons expects her to show up at the Marfa, Texas, location for Giant on June 1
? starts filming Mississippi Woman, a.k.a. Baby Doll, in Benoit, Mississippi
? is nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress in Baby Doll
December 56 her daughter, Blanche Joy, is born at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. She is named after Garfein's mother. She will become a TV actress.
January 57 is reported in the running for the title role in Marjorie Morningstar. "But four New York actresses just landed in town to test for the role."
February 57 the press reports that she has the heart of an actress and the soul of a housewife. "Carroll Baker's baby gets billing over her career."
March 57 is unhappy over Warner Brothers’ ordering her to work on March 12 without naming the film
Warner Brothers announces she will play the title role in their upcoming The Diana Barrymore Story
Parsons tells that "Marilyn Monroe isn't going to like this, but I hear through the grapevine that MGM has hopes of re-teaming Carroll Baker and Eli Wallach in The Brothers Karamazov. Monroe has always had her heart set on playing in The Brothers Karamazov, but if MGM can pry Carroll Baker loose from Warners she'll get the role Marilyn has been set on snagging."
April 57 columnist Dorothy Kilgallen writes: "Now that Carroll Baker has vetoed the role in no equivocal terms, Anne Baxter is being paged to play Diana Barrymore in the screen version of the shocker Too Much, Too Soon"
May 57 an MGM spokesman announces that Warner Brothers couldn't come to terms with them for her loan-out for The Brothers Karamazov
columnist Walter Winchell reports that she's to sue Warner Brothers for breach of contract. "They gave The Brothers Karamazov and The Devil's Disciple roles to others..."
June 57 goes to Chicago's Drury Lane Theatre to star for a week in Arms and the Man, directed by her husband
Mid-July 57 the press reports there's a hot deal cooking involving the presentation of her and Mark Richman in Arms and the Man
Late July 57 finishes summer stock in Long Branch and planes back to the coast to film The Wild Country
c. 27 July 57 her 20-year-old sister, Virginia Baker, a St. Petersburg, Florida, beauty contest winner and former model, is arrested in Clearwater, Florida, along with 30-year-old drummer Jerry Baehr. They are charged with possession of narcotics and placed under $1,000 bond.
9 August 57 her sister, Virginia, is given a hearing on charges of marijuana possession in St. Petersburg, Florida
August 57 her escort at the Stage Delicatessen in New York City is Mark Richman
producer Jerry Wald tells about his upcoming Jean Harlow: "We get hundreds of letters every week from around the world. They suggest Lucille Ball, Ann Sheridan, Janet Leigh, Carroll Baker, Marilyn Monroe, Terry Moore."
her husband accompanies her to location filming of The Wild Country in Stockton, California
September 57 expects her second child in March
October 57 columnist Hedda Hopper expects her to return to New York from The Wild Country location on December 1 to decorate a new nine-room apartment in Manhattan. "She expects the baby in February and will be on sound stages for Warners by April."
17 January 58 her son, Herschel David, is born at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. He is named after Garfein's father.
April 58 attends the New York premiere of The Young Lions and the rooftop after-party at the Waldorf Hotel. Elia Kazan, Jinx Falkenburg, Laurence Olivier, Mary Martin, the Steve Allens, and Helen Hayes are among the guests.
May 58 is reported asking too much money to do a film. "It's discouraging some of the producers, who would like to engage her but feel she's not a big enough draw at the box office to justify the salary she wants."
Early June 58 will star opposite Richard Burton in Warners' upcoming The Miracle
June 58 columnist Harrison Carroll writes: "Exciting time for Carroll Baker in Spain. She's to play a gypsy in The Miracle so she and husband Jack Garfein went high in the hills above Granada and became very friendly with the gypsies who live in caves and in incredible poverty. A 15-year-old Flamenco dancer taught Carroll a number to use in the picture. Carroll brought both of her children, 17-month-old Blanche Joy and 4-month-old Herschel, to Hollywood. Jack will follow later."
August 58 will be immortalized with her footprint at Grauman's Chinese Theater
Late August 58 she and Jean Simmons are hostesses of the party thrown in the parking lot of Romanoff's after the premiere of The Wild Country. Among the 400 guests are Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and Arthur Loew, Jr., Dorothy Malone and Jacques Bergerac, Kay and Clark Gable, Betsy and Cary Grant, Joan Collins, Esther Williams and Jeff Chandler, Maggie Hayes and Herbert Swope, Jr., Greer Garson and Buddy Fogelson, the Bob Youngs, Dinah Shore and George Montgomery, and Eve Gabor. Columnist Hedda Hopper notes that "the caviar flowed as generously as the champagne."
September 58 the press notes that she'll "never win any popularity contests among crew members and fellow actors" because of her temperament on the set
October 58 Winchell reports: "They say it'll be a miracle if they ever finish The Miracle flicker. Carroll Baker allegedly taking on all corners..."
December 58 columnist Earl Wilson reports that she, "who's 24, is off to Hollywood after New Year's to play leading lady to Clark Gable, who will be 58 on February 1..."
January 59 she, Natalie Wood, and newcomer Arlene Howell are the only three women under contract to Warner Brothers
columnist Harrison Carroll reports "On the But Not for Me set Carroll Baker confirmed to me that her salary for the Clark Gable picture will be $150,000. 'I need the money;' she laughed, 'to get out of debt after the pictures I made at Warner Brothers.' Carroll's deal with Warners, signed some years ago, calls for a much more modest pay-check. And they still have her for five more pictures in the next three years."
March 59 a week before she is due to report for work on But Not for Me, she discovers the names of Lili Palmer and Lee J. Cobb will go above the title, but beneath her name. She notifies producers Bill Perlberg and George Seaton she will not appear before the cameras unless there are some changes made
July 59 tries to buy her contract from Warner Brothers because she wants to free-lance
August 59 the press tells that she has had feuds with the director and producer of her last two pictures, but she says she is not temperamental
plans to move with her children to California
she and husband are noted at Sardi's
October 59 due to nervous exhaustion, she cancels her But Not for Me tour and rushes back to New York
November 59 her films are banned in Egypt because of her marriage to Jewish Garfein. Also banned: Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe.
columnist Leonard Lyons reports from New York: "Carroll Baker drove twice around Radio City Music Hall, in the rain, to see her name billed there for the first time, in The Miracle"
December 59 she and her husband are guests at a party for "a sane nuclear policy" held at the home of actor Robert Ryan. Other guests are John Saxon, John Kerr, Arthur Kennedy, Connie Russell, Lee Marvin, Mark Robson, Stanley Kramer, Anthony Quinn, Jack Lemmon, and Gene Kelly.
January 60 rents a large Beverly Hills home complete with swimming pool
Late November 60 arrives in Tokyo, Japan, to film Bridge to the Sun
April 61 turns down the part of Mildred in the TV version of Of Human Bondage, penciled in for a fall airing next season
7 August 61 flies to Paris to be fitted by Balmain for the wardrobe she'll wear at the Venice Film Festival, where Bridge to the Sun has been entered
Mid-August 61 she and Si Seadler of MGM fly to Johnson City, Tennessee, for a preview of Bridge to the Sun
15 September 61 helps dedicate the Police Athletic League's Bridge to the Sun, a 15-foot Japanese-type bridge on a safety island in the middle of Broadway and 43rd Street
September 61 visits The Little Club to ask hints from table magician Doc Marcus for her upcoming Magic
11 October 61 attends the premiere of King of Kings with her husband
17 January 62 attends the Tobe Award dinner in New York
June 62 signs a deal with British Lion Productions to star in S.O.S. Sahara, to be filmed in London, England, and Tripoli, North Africa
she and Marlene Dietrich are noted visiting Maxim's in Paris
July 62 columnist Leonard Lyons reports from location filming in the Libyan Desert, where the temperatures are 120 degrees: "The hot sand burned her feet, through her shoes. The audience won't know she was crying, because it's a long shot...."
threatens to walk out of S.O.S. Sahara because they want her to do a nude scene. The compromise is that she’s undressed behind mosquito netting.
August 62 returns from Europe aboard the Queen Mary with fellow actresses Rosalind Russell and Lisa Kirk
Early October 62 she and Van Johnson open in Come on Strong at the Morosco Theater in New York
October 62 she, Garfain, and Van Johnson hold their little celebration at Sardi's "happy because their play, Come on Strong, treated unkindly by the critics, seems to have caught on and may linger on indefinitely"
supports the campaign of Robert M. Morgenthau, Democratic-Liberal candidate for Governor of New York. They are seen at Frankie and Johnnie's on 45th Street.
May 63 the Legion of Decency gives an X rating to her Sahara Six
13 June 63 starts filming The Carpetbaggers for showman-producer Joseph E. Levine. Later she will have not-so-kind memories of her co-star George Peppard.
July 63 shoots a domestic version of the smoldering European version love scene with Alan Ladd for The Carpetbaggers
may inherit The Sandpiper film when Elizabeth Taylor bows out
works with choreographer Miriam Nelson on a sequence of the spicy Beaux Arts Ball in Paris for the upcoming The Carpetbaggers
September 63 phones Beverly Hills police to report that a man is hammering at her door, claiming to be a TV repairman, asking to be let in "to fix your TV set" at 10 p.m.
November 63 her sexy swimming scene involving a transparent bathing suit that is filmed in a river near Kayenta, Arizona, is thrown out of Cheyenne Autumn by director John Ford
January 64 flies from New York via Paris to Kenya to star along Robert Mitchum in Mister Moses
Pierre Balmain designs a $15,000 transparent gown for her to wear to the premiere of The Carpetbaggers
is reported signing a sensational four-year, million-dollar contract with Paramount
has a series of film contracts aggregating $1.6 million in salaries
February 64 Allied Artists buys Station Six, "the Carroll Baker movie which couldn't be shown in England..."
March 64 is on location filming for Mister Moses in Kenya. Later she will have only kind memories of her co-star Robert Mitchum.
June 64 graces the West Coast premiere of The Carpetbaggers at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Balmain's revealing semi-transparent gown beneath a long fur wrap
July 64 columnist Mike Connolly reports from Hollywood: "Joe Levine commandeered Carroll Baker and Kirk Douglas to make mad love in The Sands of Kalahari while Lee J. Cobb jeers at them. That's the one Liz Taylor was supposed to make but can't because of her commitment to do Tennessee Williams' This Property is Condemned..."
End August 64 during the Beverly Hills Hotel press party movie producer Joe Levine presents her as the star of his upcoming Jean Harlow. She's seated on a stage in a sleek, yellow Isotta Franchini, circa 1932, wearing a Harlow-like costume. "This is my star," Levine proudly says. Carroll smiles. The Maharaja of Baroda is among the many financers of that project.
Early September 64 columnist Leonard Lyons knows: "Carroll Baker had a choice of movie roles for Joe Levine or for another studio at $40,000 more. She chose Levine because she felt a loyalty to the producer who'd given her her role in The Carpetbaggers. Levine heard of it, and decided that this loyalty should not go unrewarded. He phoned Jack Garfein, Miss Baker's husband, to accompany him to Harry Winston's, to choose a $50,000 diamond ring for Miss Baker. The next day Levine phoned Garfein to meet him at Winston's again, because he'd changed his mind: Levine returned the $55,000 ring - and bought a $75,000 necklace instead."
20 October 64 sailing on the Queen Mary, she arrives in Southampton, Great Britain. She is dressed as Jean Harlow but will attend the UK premiere of The Carpetbaggers.
22 October 64 attends the premiere of The Carpetbaggers at the Plaza Theater in Piccadilly Circus, London, in her transparent Balmain gown. Her fans go wild and break through the police cordon mobbing her.
October 64 chickens out at the Cheyenne premiere of Cheyenne Autumn, wearing a suede jacket over her transparent blouse
November 64 will play the "Me" in Joe Levine's upcoming Little Me from the age of 12 to 60 with Gene Kelly directing
she and her husband cruise down the Nile, Egypt, on a sightseeing tours of the ancient treasures
December 64 is featured semi-nude in Playboy
signs a new deal with Levine that might bring her $5 million in the next five years
gets a 50G bonus from Paramount for finishing Sylvia ahead of schedule
10 December 64 wearing a shocking pink frock, she returns to New York from Europe by ship
her Beverly Hills home is burglarized, $11,600 in furs, gems and cash are stolen
? is noted at El Morocco "in a low, low-necked dress"
15 December 64 Beverly Hills police break up an ingenious burglary ring responsible for the theft. One of the three men arrested used his position as assistant maitre d' at an exclusive Beverly Hills restaurant to tip off his accomplices. 21-year-old Robert Michael Klein would wait until prominent persons were in his eating place and then phone his accomplices and tell them to burglarize his guests’ homes. Carroll happily reclaims two fur coats worth $10,000.
December 64 she, Tammy Grimes and Sybil Burton serve as ticket sellers at the PTA show of the Ecole Francaise
through a New York attorney, she announces she will sue for $1 million in damages from Playboy charging that Playboy failed to live up to an agreement that all text and photographs would be submitted to her before publication causing her "great mental suffering, anguish and distress"
January 65 the press reports she has now the number one dressing room at Paramount
seven seconds of her Sylvia rape scene with Aldo Ray have to be cut
9 February 65 sits next to Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association's Golden Globes banquet at the Cocoanut Grove in Hollywood. Mastroianni was voted World's Favorite Actor by the Association; he also accepts the Favorite Actress award for Sophia Loren.
12 February 65 is admitted to Beth Israel Hospital for treatment of a virus infection. She and her husband plan to return to Hollywood when she leaves the hospital in about a week.
25 February 65 is reported out of hospital
plants her footprint in a block of wet cement outside Paramount studios as part of the launching ceremonies for Harlow. Champagne and caviar are served for breakfast.
March 65 is selected Worst Actress of the Year "for all the films she made in 1964" by the Harvard Lampoon in Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 65 the press reports that her feud with Levine has ended and that "she will resume filming Harlow this week"
Early May 65 presents the cast and crew of Harlow with platinum trinkets from Tiffany's
May 65 her sister, "Ginny," is reported as having a bit role in Harlow
18 May 65 Magna Pictures, producers of another Harlow movie, sues Levine's Embassy Pictures and Paramount in a $6.5 million antitrust suit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. Magna accuses Paramount of conspiring to coerce major exhibitors all over the country to boycott their film starring Carol Lynley.
Late May 65 throws a wing-ding costume party at her Hollywood home to celebrate the completion of Harlow. She's seen dancing the Watusi and the Bunny Hug wearing one of her dresses from the movie. Among the guests are Pat and Peter Lawford, Lydia and Charlton Heston, Barbara Rush and Leslie Nielsen, and Carlyn and Mickey Callan.
25 May 65 en route to the Cannes Film Festival, she is pictured with Brigitte Bardot at New York's Kennedy International Airport before leaving for Paris on Air France's Flight 702.
June 65 columnist Mike Connolly reports that after her battle with Levine, she "declined his invitation to vacation in the beach house he leased for her on the French Riviera; instead, she and her husband, Jack Garfein, boarded a yacht (rented by themselves) for their three-month Cote d'Azur tenure..."
4 July 65 Harlow premieres in New York
July 65 attends the Jeanne Lanvin fashion show in Paris. Her wide V décolleté down to her midriff attracts more attention than the new models.
September 65 agrees to guest-star on a "Run for Your Life" segment
Christmas 65 she and Joey Heatherton accompany Bob Hope on his Christmas visit to the troops in Vietnam. Others in the troupe are Anita Bryant, Jack Jones and Kay Stevens, and the Nicholas Brothers.
19 March 66 attends the most glamorous ball of the New York season held at the Americana Hotel for visiting Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Among those attending are the 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma and former Viceroy of India, Mrs. Winston Guest, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Arthur Krim, Spyros Skouras, Rita Gam, and Elizabeth Arden. The ball raises $250,000 for the International Variety Club's children's charities.
March 66 will be off to England in October to film Lie Down, Louisa for tidy $250,000
2 May 66 opens in Anna Christie at the Huntington Hartford Theater in Los Angeles. Her husband directs.
May 66 is ordered to return to work for Levine in a quickie small-budget sexploitation picture, The Scene
? files a breach of contract suit against Paramount and Levine's Embassy claiming they reneged on a six-year, six-picture agreement which was to follow immediately after Harlow. She says she reported for work under her contract on May 19, 1966, but that no picture was made nor was she paid.
July 66 sprains her left arm in a fall backstage following her opening night performance in the road production of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in Indianapolis
August 66 will make her Broadway musical bow in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned
November 66 is heralded to star in Lady Macbeth in Italy
December 66 columnist Harrison Carroll tells that she, "before jetting to Rome for her movie, Her Harem, dispatched cables to every spot, however small, that she visited on her tour of Vietnam..."
Mid-67 she and Garfein separate after making an oral agreement that he would continue to receive 40 percent of the money paid her thereafter by Paramount
July 67 is pictured relaxing on the terrace of her hotel at the sea resort of Porto Santo Stefano on the Argentario peninsula north of Rome
19 January 68 is awarded a $200,000 summary judgment in her breach of contract suit against Paramount and Embassy by New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Markewich. She’ll use the money to pay off all of her and Jack's debts.
7 February 68 a Rome spokesman announces for her that she filed for divorce from Garfein in Los Angeles, California, last week. Garfein's 37; she's 36.
March 68 columnist Sheila Graham writes that "they say that Carroll Baker has her next mate - number 3 -picked out and is just waiting for her divorce from Jack Garfein. I wonder why Jack denied the rift when I telephoned him after Carroll's absence of a year in Europe, plus confirmation from a friend, made me aware that a divorce was pending. Miss Baker's new Italian film is The Honeymoon."
April 68 columnist Earl Wilson reports her "around with a handsome Italian chap..."
15 August 68 Garfein countersues her for divorce in Los Angeles, charging her with extreme cruelty. Garfein asks custody of their two children, Blanche, 11, and Herschel, 10, who are living with him. Garfein charges that she is receiving funds outside of the United States and asks the court to enforce the alleged agreement about his receiving 40 percent of her earnings.
16 September 68 she and Garfein agree to share custody of their two children; she receives physical custody but can't put them in boarding school without his permission, and she must give them Hebrew religious instruction.
24 July 69 testifies in her contested divorce trial that Garfein "either couldn't or wouldn't" find work during their hard times. He is seeking half of her present and future earnings on grounds he was instrumental in making her a star.
13 August 69 she and Garfein are granted double divorce decrees in Los Angeles Superior Court. He's 39; she's 38. Judge William E. MacFaden rejects a claim by Garfein that he was entitled to part of her earnings from her Paramount contract saying he found no evidence that the promotion of Carroll's career "ever deterred or damaged" Garfein's career. She is granted custody of their two children; he is ordered to pay $300 monthly child support.
? has a several-weeks affair with 30-year-old Prince Carlo Borromeo, one of the most eligible bachelors of Italy
October 69 columnist Jack O'Brian tells that she "discounted her Italian count for actor Harry Guardino...."
February 70 lawyers for Playboy ask Manhattan Supreme Court to dismiss her suit filed five years ago because it was never prosecuted
June 71 is reported raising her children trilingual in Rome
June 72 her romance in Madrid is Cuban Marcel Rodriguez
September 72 breaks up with her "too-possessive boyfriend," Rodriguez
? has an affair with Italian leading man Franco Nero
February 74 attends Rex Harrison's opening of Henry VI at London's Haymarket Theater in a long pink chiffon with an all-over floral print by Thea Porter
May 74 it is announced that her will enter Yale in the fall
is noted at the Russian Tea Room in New York
May 76 attends the gala screening of The Missouri Breaks at the Library and Museum of the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center with her son Herschel
77 says in an interview that Joe Levine "who behaved like he owned me and my husband thought it was all terrific as long as I kept bringing in the money. I started objecting to everything, but it was too late. The sex-symbol image had already started. I turned down parts and they blacklisted me. Then Paramount tried to squeeze me out of my contract and take me for everything I was worth financially, and my marriage was breaking up... The press attacked me viciously at every opportunity. I came very close to suicide."
January 77 columnist Earl Wilson spots her at New York's Gian Marino's speaking fluent Italian
attends the Pumping Iron premiere at New York's Plaza Theater. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paulette Goddard, Sylvia Miles, and Monique Van Vooren are among the guests.
April 77 is among the guests at a big private party at Elaine's to celebrate the launch of US magazine
May 77 is in the audience at her daughter's performance at the Yale Repertory Theater
July 77 is among the guests at Ruth Ford's big birthday bash for writer Dotson Rader at New York New York, attending with Charles Hirsch of the School of Visual Arts
November 77 tours England in Somerset Maugham's Rain
December 77 will spend the holidays with her daughter in New York
February 78 is in New York rehearsing Bell, Book and Candle, en route to openings in Atlanta, Georgia, and Palm Beach, Florida
Summer 78 meets British actor Donald Burton while touring with him England and Ireland in the play Motive
June 79 is reported apparently in love with Donald Burton
September 81 writes her autobiography in England
10 March 82 marries Burton. He's about 47; she's 51.
October 83 publishes her autobiography, Baby Doll
9 November 83 she and Burton attend the premiere of Bob Fosse's Star 80
January 85 she and Burton reside in Hampstead near London in a Victorian mansion with a rose garden
85 publishes her books A Roman Tale and To Africa, With Love
21 May 95 she and fellow players Harry Carey Jr., Claire Trevor, and Ben Johnson, attend a tribute to director John Ford at the Cannes Film Festival
8 September 97 attends the Los Angeles premiere of The Game
Baby Doll - An Autobiography by Carroll Baker, Made in Heaven by Victoria Houseman, The New York Times, Chronicle-Telegram, Austin Daily News, The Daily Gleaner, Albuquerque Journal, Burlington Daily Times-News, The Daily-Courier, The Hammond Times, The Lowell Sun, The Charleston Gazette, The Lima News, Southtown Economist, The Zanesville Signal, Independent Star News, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Long Beach Independent, The Fresno Bee, The Oneonta Daily Star, The Vidette-Messenger, The Coshocton Tribune, Syracuse Herald-Journal, The Times Recorder, San Mateo Times, Kingsport News, Anderson Daily Bulletin, The Daily Sentinel, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, New Castle News, Pasadena Star-News, The Sunday Previewer, The Galveston News, The Post-Standard, The Times, The New Mexican, The Columbia Daily Telegram, Northwest Arkansas Times, The Sun, Newport Daily News, Burlington Daily Times-News, The Ada Evening News, Bucks County Courier Times, Mansfield News-Journal, The Middlesboro Daily News, Reno Evening Gazette, Parade, Sunday Intelligencer,
Recommended Books:
Baby Doll: An Autobiography by Carroll Baker
The Encyclopedia of Sixties Cool by Chris Strodder
Offical Website
Carroll Baker Online
Baby Doll Carroll Baker
JSR Pages: Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker.ORG